Chapter 32 ✅

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Barty knocked the door of Tom's office, he and Lucy thought that they had found something. He had considered not telling his lord in case their information was wrong, but Lucius had thought it would be better to say something to their lord, that way it would look as if they were doing something and getting somewhere after a week worth of searching.

They flipped a coin and of course Barty had lost. Typical.

And now he was standing outside a very explosive and tense dark lord office door, on edge as usual these days. He hated to admit it, but Harry was good for his lord, possibly even better for the death eaters too - after he arrived there was less punishments dished out. Now?

It was double the amount that it used to be, even before Harry. Morgana, he missed that boy... and the gossip as well, of course!

He heard a loud, violent hiss from behind the door. "Come in." Barty's hand wavered as he reached to pull the door handle down, but he sucked it up and took a calming breath before entering.

The dark lord was in his scaly form, staring out the window and into the distance, his patience was wearing thin. "What do you want."

He could feel the fear dripping from his follower, "M..My Lord. I believe that me and Lucius may have found him."

Tom froze. "Where is he?" The growl in his voice sounded possessive, Barty had to wonder what Potter had managed to get himself into with their Lord.

"It's an Orphanage in London. Wool's—"

"I've heard enough. Take Rodolphus and Rabastian and fetch him at once. I don't care if one of you have to act interested in adopting him. Take his wand to him, he will need some form of protection. Just do it and get him out of there. Go!"

Barty didn't stick around as the door clicked shut, and rushed footsteps went down the hallway. He had believed that, that old hellhole had gotten knocked down. But perhaps not. He had seized at the mention of the name. He would rather spend time in Azkaban than go back there. He just hoped that Harry was alright. 'Merlin and Morgana. Please let him be okay.


Harry was hopelessly laying on his bed going over some homework that the tutor gave him. Or gave his entire age group. Not that he actually knew how to do this stuff, that's what the muggle phone was for. Harry had asked if he could go out the the shops with one of the staff members, said he was bored of the same walls everyday. They had quickly agreed since Harry barely ever left his room anyways. He was thankful that he was able to slip away for long enough, took some muggle money out of his Gringotts account and then left. He was finally able to cover his scar since his hair had grown out longer which he was happy about. No one recognised him.

Of course he could have ran away right then and there but he didn't, Hydrath wasn't with him. And there was no way that he would leave his snake alone again for so long.

Back to the point. He had managed to by himself a smartphone. (A/n - I know they didn't have smartphones then but play along.) It was definitely handy, especially for homework. Maybe, if he wanted to. He could try and design one that worked in magic households. It was definitely an idea.

Once he declared to himself that he was well passed finished looking at schoolwork for the day, he started to talk to the boa constrictor, who was currently curled up on his pillow. "Do you think he'll find us? I know I'm basically untraceable, since it was the muggle system that got me in this mess. But I'm starting to wonder if he even cares." Harry hissed quietly to the half dozing snake.

Hydrath lifted his head a bit. "Har, I know he's looking. I've seen you two together, I've watched you write messages to each other. He loves you Har. I wouldn't it doubt for a second."

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