Chapter 7 ✅

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Harry's PoV:

"BOY! Hurry up and get your freaky stuff out of the damn cupboard!" My uncle shouts as I try to pull my trunk out of the small space it was locked away in. I had my salves and creams stuffed in one of my deep baggy pockets of my cousins' old jumper. In the other was my wand, invisibility cloak and the marauders map.

Hydrath was coiled around my waist, sleeping soundly. I was then grabbed by the shoulder and shoved into the back seat of the car after I hauled my truck into the boot. After a 45 minute drive in a complete awkward silence my 'loving' uncle abruptly hit the brake of the car a few streets away from kings cross station and dragged me out of the car painfully, by my hair.

I hurried to get my trunk out of the boot of his car. Then I was thrusted into the wall of an alley and was reminded of the threats and promises if anyone ever found out about my suffering. He quickly got in the car and cleared off before there was any more attention drawn towards us. I breathed a sigh of relief as my uncle turned the corner and I could no longer see his car.

I travelled deeper into the dank alleyway before casting a wandless and of course wordless glamour on myself making me look how I usually would throughout the school year. Basically myself as a 3rd year just without the scars, bruises, cuts and whatever else is abnormal looking for my 'normal' persona. I also transfigured my clothes to be better fitting and to a more stylish pair of light blue washed out skinny jeans and a large grey hoodie that was comfortable and warm.

I quickly cast a silent tempus and see that it is only 9:35. 'I have enough time to grab a quick coffee and croissant.' I thought to myself, deciding to go I shrink and put a featherlight charm on my trunk and put it into my Jean pocket before walking out into the now crowded streets of London.

I stopped at a café which was in kings cross station opposite from platform 9 and 10. I ate the croissant quite slowly pulling it apart and putting it in my mouth. I ended up buying 2 cups of coffee as I was so thirsty. It had been about 3 days since I last ate anything, a day since I drank as well. Part of a punishment I don't even remember doing something wrong to deserve. Over the summer my stomach always shrinks so much that even a little bit too much food could make me want to throw up. At least I listened to the teachers' classes when I went to muggle primary school. Whatever, that doesn't matter.

I watch the platform absentmindedly while eating the croissant, after a while I look at the station clock only to see it was 10:13. I shrug my shoulders and head over to the gateway and casually walk through when I see no one looking towards me.

Since I was there early I went and found an empty compartment to wait for Ron, Hermione and maybe Ginny. Well, that's if they have forgiven me for standing up for Malfoy before the summer. I guess they haven't since I didn't hear from any of them all summer. I'll just have to wait and see then.

I took out my herbology homework from my trunk and start doing it. It's only a short foot essay on the plants we used last year about their traits and how we care for them. Once I finished that I see that it is 10:56. I stuff it into my trunk before pulling out a potions book. So if snape asks me something this term I'll be able to answer it... on parchment or using a spell that is.

I shoved my trunk into the overhead luggage holder before sitting back down and looking out the window. Watching the platform as we pull out families waving to their children. I'm heading home. But what would it have been like to have a family? Someone to wave you off as you leave for school? I guess I'll never fully know. I sighed contently as I open the potion book at the first page to begin the long read.

You can't miss what you never had.

It was about 6 hours into the train ride to Hogwarts; my home, when I felt a sudden spiky, raw chill wash over me. It was cold and... depressing? I wanted to curl in on myself. I resisted the urge to do so and shook my head. I was just imagining things; it was a curse from living with the Dursley's. I often felt chills run down my spine at random moments when I questioned my actions and what their reaction would be, what would the punishment be or shit like that.

I tried to shake the dismal feeling that I assumed was the cold getting in from a gap outside the train. I breathed in and out a couple of times before looking back at the potion book I was reading, two thirds of the way finished. Returning my attention to memorising the book the chilly feeling soon left unnoticed.


It HAD been so far quite a peaceful trip, no one had came into my compartment and I hadn't had to talk to anyone, which was a relief. I don't think Ron or Hermione have forgiven me since they didn't come and join me. Which kinda hurt but I brushed it off, he has insulted and said things to them which wasn't that nice. Although they did hit some sensitive nerves that I think makes Draco really insecure about his family. The way he recoiled as when the words where spat at him. My thoughts were harshly interrupted by the banging of my compartment door. I felt Hydrath tense and squeeze me gently reassuring me that he would protect me. Knowing he was there comforted me greatly. I look up from were I was sitting only to see Hermione and Ron standing in the middle of the compartment I had settled in at the start. Hermione the started scolding me "Harry, where were you? We searched the whole train looking for you!" She shouted, internally I winced and looked up at her with my bow void eyes and blinked. I really wanted tell her that 'Well, obviously you didn't look hard enough, then.' I had to refrain from rolling my eyes fed up already with her.

I shrugged my shoulder at her words and she gave off an over-exaggerated, exasperated sigh. I go back to looking over the potions course book I had almost finished while Hermione sits down on the seats opposite me. Ron had already sat down and was hungrily cramming chocolate frogs into his mouth. It looked really disgusting but Hermione was too busy reading 'Hogwarts: A History' for the one billionths time while absentmindedly petting her cat.

That was new, I haven't ever seen her with one. I look up at their faces only to see that they are unquestionably paler than normal. I quickly look back down at the potions book that I had almost finished by now.

Forcibly pushing the thought out of my head I bring myself round to think about Tom. Oh how I couldn't wait to see him again. He was the only person... Well spirit, that really seemed to bother with me, I'd even go as far to say understand me. In a way it made me feel good but what about Ron and Hermione; I mean they were the first friends I had ever made. Yet I felt them becoming more distant from me. I sigh lightly pushing the lingering though out of my head denying it and thinking it was just me being stupid.

'At you guys feeling okay, you look a bit pale?' I wanted to ask but with my... condition, I couldn't. Soon I found the out the reason why. Ron then ranted about what had happened in the compartment they were in, while I was here. I couldn't help but hear the resentment in his voice as he said that who they assumed would take up the new DADA position, Had saved them. For some reason Harry found  this information entertaining... a dementor, from Azkaban prison has somehow found its own way onto the train.

How interesting...


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