Chapter 52 ✅

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Hadrian was casually walking around the death eaters as they trained, it was coming close to what Tom wanted as the final battle, his exact words being, "I want everyone to be rightly prepared." Hadrian winced as a few of the death eaters were sent flying into the nearby wall. It looked like Tom would have to push the date of the final battle back. Every one of his death eaters was acting as if they were out of shape. That would not do, not at all.

Barty was standing off to the side, he and Lucius had just spent a good half an hour without once getting the upper hand on each other, they were both equally skilled. When he spotted Hadrian's form dodging through the crowd and separate battles he raced towards him. He wouldn't be lying if he said that he just wanted a chat with him. It had felt like years since they'd seen each other.

"Hades!" Hadrian had turned to see who was calling to him, though he was pretty sure he knew who it was based off solely on their voice. Of course, it was Barty. Merlin, it felt as if they had spent absolutely no time together in forever. Hadrian stopped to wait for his friend as he ran to catch up with him.

Hadrian gave Barty a clap on the back as he managed to catch up with him, making the skinny man lurch forward with the unexpectedness of it. Barty gave him a wide, mischievous smile, as they walked, whispering, "So how are you and our lord?" Hadrian choked on his own spit as they walked, "Excuse me." He blurted out, causing a few people to turn from their training and get distracted. Hadrian gave his friend a disapproving look, to which Barty's response was to roll his eyes too, "Oh please, everyone in the inner circle knows about you two. It's quite obvious."

Hadrian's fair skin was burning bright red. He wanted to die from embarrassment. "No, it's not. You're just jealous that I have a man. But I know what you and Rabastian do when no one's looking." This time Barty's face when bright red. "How! We were so careful," the mini adult whined. Hadrian just smirked back at him. "Not careful enough evidently."

The conversation turned to silence, not one of them spoke. They observed the poor wand and fighting skills around them and sighed inwardly, hardly a single one of them were ready for this. To hell with this, they were good with throwing helpless muggles around, torturing them left, right and centre, but still couldn't beat each other in a pathetic battle of wands that almost looked to be in slow-mo.

Hadrian took one look up at Tom's facial expressions. He looked murderous. Hadrian nudged Barty lightly in the arm, to which the brown-haired man's head turned to look at him. The tawny-haired teenager gestured up at their leader, who looked beyond livid. "I say we get up to the front quickly. He looks like he's going to blow molten lava from his snake-faced head." Barty nodded grimly, and they quickened their step up to the front of the hall. Just as they made it, Voldemort indeed, blew up like a volcano.

Except, he played the I'm so disappointed card.

He send a blast of violent red sparks to the ceiling, they licked the ceiling like angry flames ready to swallow the entire room up in red blazes. Hadrian swallowed at the sight of the pure, raw energy that had been emitted by the man he loved. Many of the death eaters fell to their knees, so overtaken with the power, but what did they expect? Some weak force that would fail to even use a wand, someone like wormtail.


Hadrian buried his face in his hands at the disaster that was going on in front of him. But then again, he knew Tom liked his powerplay, especially in bed. But right now, he looked even more disgusted. "Do you know how... disappointing you have all become? I was gone for thirteen years, and you are all as useless as wizards without wands." Hadrian was standing straight by the dark lord's side, Barty, further behind. There were only a few people left standing, Lucius, Bellatrix, Rodophlus, Rabastian, Barty and some of the other death eaters that had been around Voldemort for a lot longer than the other newer followers.

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