Chapter 29 ✅

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"Harry, have you got everything you need? We should get going." Remi called as she walked up the stairs towards his very small bedroom. Harry quickly stuffed a couple pairs of over sized jeans and t-shirts into a bin bag, since it looked like the Death Eaters that had been here had taken his trunk as well. Most likely because they had planned to get him back safe to Tom's manor. He made sure that Hydrath was hidden away in his pocket as Remi walked into the room "Mhm, I'm ready."

She smiled at him and took the bin bag and took a quick look inside it, "No toys, teddy bears, even?" She said, frowning. Harry just shook his head her face softened and she ruffled his shaggy long hair. She had a sad smile on her face as walked back downstairs with the black bag. Harry followed, but didn't look back, even though he didn't like the unknown it had to be better than here. Anything would be better than here.

Harry would admit that using crutches were a pain but it would make sure that his ankle and leg had properly set. He was in the back seat of the car watching the buildings and cars zoom by, they had stopped for some McDonalds for lunch. Harry wasn't overly fussed on the food but it was better than what he would ever receive from the Dursley's, so he wouldn't complain. And then they were back on the road again.

The car ride was mostly silent and it was another three hour drive before they arrived at the group home that Harry would be living at with the other orphans.

As they pulled into the driveway of the home, Harry could see that it was rather large. It looked to be a building that was at least a century old from the style of the outer building.

Remi assisted Harry in getting out of the car with his crutches, before grabbing his bin bags from the boot. Harry just kept staring at the building, it was massive and looked terrifying, but how could a building be terrifying? It was just old.

Remi patted his back as he hobbled his way up closer to the door, Remi used the rusted knocker to bang on the front door and the woman who answered was young looking. Maybe she was one of the older residents at the house? He still didn't know the name of the children's home. It was going to bug him if he didn't find it out.

As Remi talked, Harry didn't pay any attention. He was busy looked for ways to escape this old, creepy building. But he couldn't see anyway before he was ushered inside by Remi and the other caregiver.

As they were standing in the hallway Remi took this moment to introduce Harry to the other person. "Harry, this is the main staff here, his name is David and this is his wife Mary." She said, motioning to the respective people. Harry smiled, "Hi".

He figured that if he acted unsure and slightly timid, the staff would leave him alone and hopefully they would tell the other children who must've been in another room down the hall, considering the noise.

Mary smiled, "shall I take you up to your room? Unfortunately we don't have a lift and it is on the second floor, are you able to get up the stairs?" Harry just nodded and she smiled back at him. "Let's go then. I'll bring up your bags."

Harry started towards where the stairs were and made his way, painstaking up them. The woman directed him back towards a room down the left hand side corridor to a room numbered 'Room 27 -'  the rest of it was blank.

Mary, the woman had soft chocolate brown hair and pale green eyes. Her young complexion made her look friendly but Harry couldn't help but find a fiery glint in her eyes which would make her a perfect enemy to cross. Not that he would ever want to.

He took a look around the room that Mary had opened the door to. It looked standard. White walls, a single yet comfortable looking bed, a wooden bedside table with a lamp, wood laminate flooring and a wardrobe the same colour of wood as the bedside table and bed frame. There wasn't anything else to it but at least he wouldn't have to room share with anyone, he was thankful for that. Hydrath would be able to roam without being seen, another positive.

"We can decorate your room later on if you want and I'll have your name out on the plaque on your door. Do you have any relatives or guardians we can contact?"

'I have people I would like to contact but I can't and they aren't exactly muggles so they wouldn't even have a mobile phone.' "No I don't. My parents were murdered when I was one year old and I don't know of any of their friends or relatives."

Mary nodded sadly and Harry shrugged, "Can't miss what you never had."

Mary just nodded glumly and went towards the door, "I'll let you settle in. Dinner will be at 7 O'clock I'll send one of the other children to come get you." Harry smiled and dipped his head in acknowledgment, only noticing the clock on the wall above his bed. She left without anymore fuss.

After a couple minutes of silence as the sound of footsteps disappeared down the hall and the stairs, he hissed to Hydrath that he could come out. The boa constrictor slithered out and went around the room to inspect his new living space. It wasn't much bigger than the Dursley's but at least the bed was comfortable.

After laying on the bed for ten minutes he hissed over at Hydrath, "Do you like the new place?"

"It's okay, I guess... but I thought it would have better sunning places than a window that doesn't even face the sun." The snake hissed indignantly back.

Harry gave a hissy chuckle. "The accommodation isn't the best but it's better than the old dump. Plus this is the government's money we're spending, they only give as much as they can get away with giving."

"It's still not fair."

"I agree Hy. It isn't."

A/n - So for all of you who actually read these, I have done my DofE expedition - were I believed I was above getting sunburnt. I got hella burnt. It's all gone now but my scalp is flaking still and one of my friends nose is blistered. For anyone how is going on their expedition WEAR SUNSCREEN!!!

Anyways... Summer holidays officially started last week and I don't have anymore time to upload than usual, considering I'm papering my room myself... and my bank account will hate me by the end of it.

Anyways hope you're all having an amazing summer and remember to stay safe.

Love you all

~ SandefurdaSlytherin

P.S - what's your Grisha power? I just wanna know. (I'm a squaller.)

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