Chapter 21 ✅

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Harry sighed as he lay on his bed, he'd been staring at the roof for a couple of hours. Vernon had gotten angry again and Harry was almost sure he'd broken a rib or two because he managed to burn the breakfast.

He knew that something was going to go wrong today, he could feel it in his bones, the dread was set in his bloodstream as soon as he woke up earlier that morning. He just couldn't keep up with the demands of the Dursley's anymore, plus he was a wizard. He should have been able to use magic whenever he wants to but no, he was stuck with magic hating muggles that despised his entire existence.

Vernon had sent him to his room for a week with little to no food, he'd most likely get something to eat every three days and something to drink every day. Plus then there was the time that he would inevitably have to go to see Tom and his other inner circle death eaters. Not that they actually knew the new member of the inner circle was him, except Barty and Tom.

Hadrian Max. That was his undercover name as a death eater. He actually felt rather excited to start going to meetings and couldn't wait to see Tom and Barty again. He missed his conversations with Barty, the jokes and mischieve that they got up to together, he missed Tom and the connection that they had built through the diary.

After deciding that he was doing too much moping about he decided that it would be best to see what he could do now. He didn't have anything in his barren room that he could probably do to entertain himself, Dudley's broken computer and other toys lay in the corner of his room, everything broke with extreme violence. There was a teddy bear that had its arms and legs ripped off and it' head only hanging on by a thread of string. DVD disks sat in piles, snapped in half because Dudley had gotten angry at the game and decided that it wasn't worth the money and a complete waste of time. These were only a couple of things that were broke too, there was a whole lot more where that came from.

Harry sat down at his desk and looked at the vials that lined the back. He had decided to store his healing herbs and slaves in vials so they would remain fresher for longer. Hydrath had also come home with him for the summer, even with Harry insisting that he should stay at Hogwarts for the summer considering that he would have plenty to eat there, but he refused. Hydrath seemed to be a bit more worried about him than himself.

Even if he was glad to have such a loyal friend, he wanted what was best for him too, even if that meant leaving him with Dabria in the Chamber of Secrets, which honestly Harry thought wasn't a bad idea considering how many times the snake has tried to kill Vernon multiple times in the past week since he had gotten back here. Not that he wasn't thankful for the snake's protectiveness but it certainly wouldn't be good if the walrus died with no explanation and things would most likely get worse for him.

He had managed to sneak up some of his homework before his trunk was locked away for the summer, his robes and mask also. He didn't know when Tom would call on him and the other death eaters but it was getting painfully slow, a week into the holidays and he felt so isolated.

He sighed as he pulled out some of his summer homework, again this just happened to be transfiguration. He didn't have a quill on him so a biro pen would just have to do. He'd managed to do him potions and charms work a couple of days before so that was something he didn't have to look at again.

He lifted the biro pen and started writing, hoping that this would all be over soon and that he could go back to the magical world again. Even if he was famous, he could still bide in the shadows. If anything he thrived in the shadows, because that was all that there was when he was a child. Darkness and shadows.


Harry turned over again, he'd been trying to get to sleep for at least an hour but couldn't. It's like there was something upsetting in the sky. The cloudiness blocked out the stars and the moon that otherwise would be shining brightly. Soon enough after twisting and turning Harry felt himself being dragged into the land of dreams but was rudely awoken by the sensation of heat that was around his neck.

He shot up out of bed and realised that it was his necklace. Tom was calling him. He made sure to put on his black robes and carry his mask in his inside pocket. He really wasn't sure about wearing it as he arrived but decided to keep it off. After all, he needed to leave, the only way would be out the window.

Vernon had never replaced the bars that had once lined his window, he saw no point in doing so if they were just going to be pulled off along with the window. This was a huge thing because Harry, if he focused could unlatch the window from the locks, after all he'd been doing it since he was five when he was really hungry and wanted something to eat. Though he always got caught and was beaten badly for it.

Though he was going to see Tom again, and perhaps he would meet the other death eaters.

Harry shook himself from his thoughts and unlatched the window, looking down he realised that he could jump and land on the bushes, which would most definitely hurt or to his right there was a gutter pipe he could slide down. Choosing the gutter pipe he climbed out the window and clutched tightly onto the pipe. For a moment he was having second thoughts as he looked down but decided to 'man up' before sliding down the pipe.

He was lucky it was around midnight that Tom had called, otherwise the neighbours would have been spreading rumours before the sun was up. That was the only reason every one hated him, Petunia had told them that he was a mistake on her drunkard sister and brother-in-laws behalf and that when they died in a drink driving accident they had gotten carted with their extra luggage. She'd told them that e went to a special school for the mentally instable where he could be handled properly.

Parents kept their children away from him, he was a delinquent in their eyes. And most likely would be the same among the eyes of the wizarding world if they found out that he was siding with one of the darkest wizards of all times. But then again, he thrived in darkness and always had. That's how he grew up, unafraid of the shadows that lurked beside him.

A/n - Another filler for you all but the action will start soon in the next couple of chapters. I might just drag it out to annoy you all... should I?

Anyways I hope you had a good week and a good bank holiday Monday tomorrow if it exists in your calender.

Have a great week!


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