Chapter 19 ✅

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Harry smiled smugly at fake Moody as he sat down in his office, the man had been completely disappointed that he didn't get to see the rising of their lord again, and Harry did. Barty just gave a small scowl at Harry, but since the rest of the class was coming on, fake Moody quickly turned his attention away from the raven haired boy. Not wanting to raise unnecessary suspicions.

Harry listened to the dull lesson, not that Barty wasn't good at teaching, he was honestly, but he had the disadvantage of teaching while acting as someone else. Harry knew of the struggles that he went through, making sure he had enough poly-juice potion to get him through each lesson.

The lesson was only going to be about thirty minutes long since they all finished half day so they could get packed before they left Hogwarts tomorrow morning. Plus Harry was just feeling down in general since he knew that Vernon wasn't going to go easy on him whenever he got home. Harry really wasn't paying full attention to Barty's teaching, preferring just to tap his quill on the parchment.

Once the lesson was over, Harry went up to his dorm room and started to pack away all his robes and clothes for tomorrow. He normally would have just left it to tomorrow, but he couldn't be bothered to rush around the next day, trying to stuff everything inside his trunk. Ron gave him a bit of a weird look and went to lie down on his bed, relaxing as he stared up at the curtains hanging off his bed. Soon enough it was time to go get lunch, which meant that Harry had to leave his neat packing behind.

As he was eating he felt a warm spike of warmth on his neck, it wasn't burning but it made him look down. Then he realised what it was, the necklace. Harry almost choked on the food that he had in his mouth as he got up from the table, Hermione gave him a questioning look to which Harry replied with needing the bathroom. After that he quickly walked away, down to the secret passageway to Honeyduke's cellar.

Once he made it halfway down and was sure that he was out of the schools wards, he whispered the activation word, "Morsmordre." With a simple quiet pop Harry was no where to be seen.


Harry appeared in a hallway, disoriented and on the floor. Once his vision was spinning less, he got into his feet and looked around him, he looked to be in the entrance hall of a grand manor. 'Seems like something a dark lord would own to be honest.' He thought to himself, smiling slightly to himself.

The entrance hall was decorated with a dark coloured wood, the banister of the staircase had accents carved into it, it looked to have been polished recently as well. The floor the same coloured wooden planks as well. Before Harry could admire his surroundings anymore, a house elf popped up in front of him. "Eddy will be's showing Harry Potter Sir, to Master Riddle's study. Follow Eddy." The house elf said while beckoning him to follow him up the stairs.

Harry nodded and followed the elf up the stairs and down the left hand side corridor, halfway down the corridor the elf stopped, Harry behind the small creature. Eddy knocked the large door wooden door and a muffled "Enter" could be heard from the other side of the door. Eddy opened the door and bowed to Tom, "Harry Potter, be's here Sir."

Tom nodded to the Elf, "Thank you Eddy. You may go." The elf just snapped his fingers and left with a quiet pop. "Hello Harry." Tom said after the elf left.

Harry smiled back at Tom, "Hey Tom." Harry walked into the study and closed the door behind him, Tom pulled out a seat for him to sit down on and he took it.

Tom sat down across from him, "So I wanted to talk to you about the death eater meetings. Do you still live with those relatives of yours?"

Harry just nodded, not trusting his voice to talk about his relatives so close to the holidays. Though he had spent years hiding the fact that his 'family' were abusive, he wasn't sure if he could hold this act up around Tom. It was like the man was compelling Harry to tell him all about his horrible relatives.

Tom carried on, "I had thought that would be the case, so I had Rookwood one of my other death eaters, take a time turner from the department of mysteries. So you will be able to get here and back without your muggle relatives noticing and if I call you during school."

Harry's eyes lit up in astonishment and joy. It could really help with a lot of stuff. Though Tom continued. "I hope I don't have to warn you on your usage of a time turner. It can be deadly at the best of times. Don't let other people see the time turner, Don't allow other people to see the two of you in the same room and especially don't let your other self see you." Harry nodded as Tom handed it to him, and he quickly put it over his head and tucked it into his shirt.

It felt cool to his skin as it rested against his stomach but he didn't have time to worry about that. "Now I suppose we can't have everyone knowing that your Harry Potter, so I will have to give you a set of glamours and a fake name, preferably one belonging to a pureblood name. most likely something common and untraceable. I will have fake OWL and NEWT scores put in under your name."

Harry nodded at this lot of information and sat there quiet for a couple of minutes before something came to him. "Hadrian Max."

Tom took a second look at him, "Hadrian Max? Are you sure? I'm most likely going to be using this most of the time your here."

Harry nodded in reply, "Yes, Max is a common pureblood name, and I kind of like being called Hadrian, I mean, as long as you can get used to it."

"Yes, I should be able to get used to it. Only some of my inner circle know i'm back to power and you will be joining their ranks." Tom said, as he handed over a pair of black robes and a chrome mask that covered his whole face. "Most of the death eaters don't wear their masks in the manor, but if we're planning on going on a raid you will most likely need it, if you want to keep the face of your glamour a secret." Tom finished, shrugging his shoulders.

Harry nodded an took the death eater robes and mask in his hand. He traced the intriget detail on the mask lightly. It had detailed snakes coming onto the mask from the edges, leaving the middle of the mask clean. "Thank you Tom."

The older man looked down at Harry and smiled, "It's no problem, Harry."

A/n - So my dad cut my hair today and I swear he should have went into hairdressing instead of mechanicing. 😂😂😂

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