Chapter 47 ✅

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Days later, Hadrian was back in working in his study, outlining the final parts of the raid. Tom was busy leaning over his shoulder, reading over the outlined plans.

The raid made perfect sense. It was going to happen on a muggle neighbourhood. One were there was at least 3 magical children identified in the general area.

Voldemort was to lead a small team into the houses that belonged to the magical children while Hadrian kept the order of the Fried Flying Phoenix busy. This way they could get the children out and away from the fighting before the OOTFFP realised it was a diversion.

Though both of them knew that they were too thick to even realise the plan. Idiots. This would be just too easy.

"What do you think? Anything else needed or are we good to go?" Hadrian said as he set his quill back in the ink pot, and leaned back against his chair. Tom stayed quiet for a couple of moments. "No. I think it's fine. We just need to sus out what death eaters we both want to take."

Hadrian nodded, "I think I should take Bella and Barty at least. All because Bella is very battle ready, and no offence to Barty but his tic would scare the children. We're taking them from their home, we should at least make them feel as least scared as possible."

Tom nodded in agreement, "It would be best if I brought Narcissa, she is good with a wand and is very child friendly. You said that one of the children we're taking is a seven year old female. I'll also take Rodolphus and perhaps Rabastian. I'll let you have Lucius, he can most definitely handle himself."

Hadrian nodded and an idea lit up his face. "You should take your human form for the children. A half snake monster is not something that they will want to go with."

Tom have a deadpanned look that Hadrian just smirked at, he rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh of defeat. "Fine. I'll drop the Voldemort look for the night."

The younger beamed, "Great."


The plan was simple really, Hadrian was to take twenty of the death eaters and start attacking muggle homes, just a bit away from where the children would be taken. Hadrian knew that while the Order would be there, it would be very likely that the aurors would also be notified, at that point they would probably be outnumbered and have to back down. But hopefully it would buy them all enough time to get the children and get out.

Hadrian was with his twenty death eaters already, briefing them. "Okay, so we will be heading into a muggle neighbourhood, you can terrorise the muggles, burn their homes down, kill a couple of them, torture them. I don't really care about what you do with them just don't kidnap any and stay away from this neighbourhood." He said, pointing to the detailed map of London. "Any questions?"

One of the older death eaters spoke up, Finnigan Hulse. "Yeah. Why should we listen to you? And where is the dark lord?"

Hadrian's eyes glowered in anger, a menacing golden glow to them. He crossed his arms, face straight. "Do you want to say that again, Hulse?"

The bulky man stood at least a head taller than Hadrian, took a couple of steps closer to the teenager until he was nose to nose with Hadrian. "Why should we listen to you?! You think just because you're being fucking slut and spreading your legs for the dark lord you can boss the rest of us about!"

Multiple gasps a whispers were heard, and Hadrian's eyes glowed bright gold, his features contorted into that of a wolfs. Only a couple milliseconds later, Hulse, yelled out as he was tackled to the ground, by a large tawny coloured wolf. The tawny wolf stood around 115cm tall from its paw to shoulder, the other death eaters took a couple steps back from the growling wolf.

The tawny wolf was on top of the man's chest, paw to the throat and growling, Hadrian could feel the glee that he got off the grown old man's fear. Hadrian snapped his jaws at the man who quivered and shook in pure fear.

The wolf growled for longer, it wasn't until Tom came in, in his Voldemort form that he was using to walk around the manor in, until the end. Tom stood in the doorway, eyes a deep red glaring at the man under the wolf, who was busy choking to death. "Hadrian!" Voldemort said, the sudden interruption made the wolf's head snap towards the dark lord, "Go, change back."

The tawny animal turned to the buff man who was smiling triumphantly, and growled again, sending the fear of god back into the man, before reluctantly lifting himself off the annoying man and padding out of the room.

"Hadrian usually has very good control of his wolf. That is the first time he's ever 'wolfed out' on any of our followers. The real question is, is what the hell did you say to him to piss your second in command off so much?" Voldemort turned to Lucius, Barty and Bellatrix. "Lucius, keep them in line, Barty, Bellatrix; come with me."

He turned an angry glare to Hulse who was still laying on the floor, "For Morgana's sake Hulse, pick yourself off the floor before I permanently put you into the floor. I will deal with your punishment later."

Tom stalked off without looking behind him. Barty and Bellatrix hurried after him.

A/n - Happy Halloween everybody!!!

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