Chapter 8 ✅

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Harry's PoV

I got off the train with Ron and Hermione trailing behind me, talking. I just wanted to get this over and done with so I could go and see Tom and Dabria in the chamber. Was that just too much to ask?

As I walked into the hall I felt peoples eyes on me. I was only starting to get used to it, that's not to say that it didn't made me feel comfortable.

I sat down stiffly at the gryffindor table and looked up at the head table where the teachers where sitting. All the teachers where there as per usual, though I torn my eyes away from the rest of them to look at Snape. Snape was looking at me, it kinda made me uncomfortable, like he was studying me. Not wanting to be weird I looked away and started focusing on the sorting.

I heard someone whisper out Ron's surname and Ron turned around as did I, out of curiosity. Of course it was Malfoy, "Weasley. Weasley! Is it true you fainted? I mean, you actually fainted!"

Ron looked over at me, expecting me to do something. I felt vibrating against my skin met with a quite hissy snigger from Hydrath. "You friends with that wimp... he's pathetic."

I also couldn't help but let out a hissy laugh, seeing as I could only say anything in parceltongue. I watched as Draco's, Ron's and Nott's faces contorted into alarmed and afraid looks and they quickly turned around and didn't say anything more about it.

Ron had told me what had happened with the dementors but left out the fact that he'd fainted. He must have felt insecure or threatened by something. Merlin knows why.


Once the sorting was over Dumbledore introduced our new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, Professor Lupin. He stood up and took a bow looking awkward as all the attention was drawn to him.

After he sat back down Hagrid was made known as the new Care of Magical Creatures Professor. He stood up to take a bow but as he was standing the head table moves out and the goblets that were on the table clattered to the floor.

Dumbledore looked towards me as he announced that the dementors of Azkaban would be staying at Hogwarts. People started whispering and talking among themselves looking grim and afraid. I looked at Ron and Hermione who were paste white, I internally rolled my eyes and tuned out whatever the old headmaster was saying.

Soon enough food magically appeared on the table and everyone started eating. I put some food on my plate and picked around at it. I wasn't feeling hungry since I had ate this morning. Instead I grabbed a piece of parchment from my pocket and asked for tea with honey in it. It disappeared a moment later and reappeared only a couple of minutes later. Smiling slightly, I drank the tea gratefully hoping it would soothe my vocal cords.

Snape's PoV:

I watched the Potter boy through the welcoming feast he seemed... sunken for some reason. I noticed the limp in his left foot and started thinking to myself, 'Surely Petunia wouldn't have played any part in that?' 'He's Lily's boy, would she go so far as to project her hate for Lily onto her son?'

I watched as he surveyed the head table his eyes crossing and looking at me, he turned away and from what I could guess had a confrontation with Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott. The three that where talking to each others faces and demeanours changed and then Potter turned away back to whatever he was doing before.

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