Chapter 45 ✅

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^Hadrian's wolf form.

Hadrian woke up, his vision blurry thanks to the sleep that was sitting in the corners of his eyes. He felt sick. Something that he wasn't used to feeling since he never got sick. He used his free hand to wipe his eyes, making his vision clearer. Thank god. Hadrian looked over to his left and the corners of his mouth twisted into a smile, Tom was asleep beside him. The man looked so peaceful in his sleep, something that he hardly ever saw in his waking form.

Hadrian smile died slightly when he realised just how sick he felt, a wave of nausea hit him like a ton of bricks. He shot out of bed as fast as his aching muscles would let him, he managed to get to the toilet just in time to throw up his entire stomach contents. At some point he realised that Tom had gotten up and was busy trying to calm his muscle spasms, rubbing his back gently and shushing him as he let out a cry of pain.

Tom could feel Hadrian's body getting tired as he slumped against him. Tom sighed, he wondered what was happening to his lover, but he couldn't be sure. Tom brought Hadrian back to their shared bed, and lay him down amongst the tangle of blankets and duvets, pulling them back over the tawny-haired teenager.

Tom flicked his eyes over to the clock, just to check the time, it was 5:12 in the morning. Tom threw a glance back at Hadrian, he needed to do work, sighing, Tom reluctantly left the room.


Aedan never got his last letter back, he wondered if Hadrian had actually gotten it, he hoped so anyway. Dumbledore was being as uncooperative as normal, which angered him more than usual, he believed it was time to take the old man to court.


Hadrian woke up, lone this time and surprisingly feeling a lot better. Perhaps he had just overworked himself, that was probably just it. He propped himself up with his elbows as he reached over to grab his wand. He wordlessly used a luminous and was met with a letter on his bedside table. He recognised the writing immediately, it belonged to his father.

He knew that he had been turning away Aedan's letters for the past three weeks, Tom must've let the owl deliver it, and probably already checked it for charms, but he double-checked just in case, the letter came back clean. So he opened it.

My dearest Hadrian,

If you happen to receive this letter I have been very worried. Dumbledore has been completely uncooperative and I have just started a legal battle against him. I do hope you are safe on the off chance that you are reading the letter, Funnily enough, we have to have a talk about something that Heir Nott told me. I'm sure that you know what I'm talking about. However, I do worry for you greatly my child, and I will be sure to have Dumbledore's name slandered for this and the disappearance of Harry Potter.

If you receive this letter please write back so I know that you're safe.

Your father,
Aedan Cousland.

Hadrian could almost feel the bile rising in his throat from the one-sentence undoubtedly about the leather cuff that Theodore had seen before he had fled the castle. He knew that he had to write back, and possibly come up with a meeting place, his father would want to see him and give him a good berating himself.

Hadrian reluctantly heaved himself out of bed, his entire body still aching. He wrote a quick note for Tom, knowing full well that the man wouldn't let him go anywhere after his recent sickness.

After re-reading the scribbled note Hadrian used his leather portkey that he still kept on his wrist, and used it to get outside the manor. Hadrian could tell that this would be a bit of a journey, but he would be able to manage, he always did. Swiftly, he changed into his wolf form and took off past the wards that surrounded the grounds.

As far as he could tell, his father's house was a good 100 miles away, but because he was a shifter he could run faster than other's that were supposed to be part of his biological 'breed'. So he should make it there in a day, resting in between of course. and most of the way was private forestry, after all, so he should be safe from muggles.


A day later and sure enough he had reached Cousland property. His wrists were burning, literally. Not only because of the running but the leather cuff around his left foreleg was burning. He knew Tom was pissed but the man would be okay for three days, and Hadrian would make sure to send an owl; like he promised.

Hadrian smiled as he stepped his first foot in the range of the Cousland wards, he could feel the magicks welcome him as one of their own. Glad to be somewhere familiar, he ran for the house. Aedan would know that he stepped foot on the property, and he was expecting a stern welcome. Not that he really cared. Hadrian could hear other paw steps, there were four of them, for feet, roughly 90-ish pounds in weight, most likely his father coming to greet him.

The two russet-coloured wolves met around halfway, Hadrian, being slightly timider than Aedan, who brushed their pelts together and licked the younger's flank. Aedan soon tackled his son to the ground, standing proudly over the top of him, before getting off and starting towards the house, Hadrian getting up and following closely behind.


When they reached the house, Aedan travelled up the stairs probably to get changed. Hadrian knew that he left some clothes here, and went to his room to do the same. He shifted back, got a shower and put on fresh clothes, something he had been longing to do since he started the tiresome journey.

Once he was finished he came out of his door and was faced with his stern-looking father. He knew that he was in a tad bit of trouble. Nothing he couldn't handle, however.

"Death eaters. Really?" Aedan raised a questioning eyebrow as Hadrian looked down. "How long have you been a part of this?" When Hadrian didn't answer, Aedan asked again, "How long, Hadrian?"

"Before you even met me." Hadrian glared back. "That's not what I asked. How long?"  Hadrian sucked in a breath. "Since my second year." The hallway was deathly silent. Aedan stayed quiet.

To be honest, Aedan was shocked. His son has been involved with death eaters since his second year. "So they didn't kidnap you from school?"

Hadrian huffed out a breath. "No. I had been warned about Dumbledore knowing my position in the dark by the dark lord. Apparently, there is a spy in our midst. That's why I left." It was silent. Hadrian continued, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I didn't know how to."

Hadrian hung his head in shame, he was mad at himself for not telling his father. That's why he knew that he had to tell him about Tom.

"I umm... I have something else to tell you." Aedan looked at his son with curious, yet defeated eyes. "I'm in a relationship with the dark lord."


A/n - That's it, folks, for this week anyway. Thank you for all of your comments about my doctor's appointment last week, I won't find out the results for a while yet since their still being reviewed.

I hope you had a good week and a good one to come.

love y'all


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