Chapter 15 ✅

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Harry sighed as he sat in History of magic, he still couldn't figure out what the egg was supposed to be. Anytime he opened it it screeched so loud it made him and anyone around deaf for thirty minutes. Since it was Binns' class and no one here was listening... except for Hermione, he was reading a book on screeching. That's when he came across something interesting, Mermaids, they were supposed to have beautiful voices under the water, but when they were outside water it turned to hideous high pitched screeching.

'What do I have to loose?' Harry thought to himself as he packed up his bag to go to Transfiguration. He'd just ask Professor McGonagall after class to see if he could use the prefect bathrooms, since they had a private bath. All he had to do was get her to say yes and then if it is something to do with the mermaids find a book in the library on them. Simple as that.


"Professor?" Harry asked as he approached her at the end of class, she looked up from her marking to see who was wanting her attention, though she had a fair idea of who it was.

"Potter, do you need something?" The woman said as she set her quill down in her ink jar.

"Yeah... I was wondering if I could have access to the prefects bathroom?" "...For the task." He quickly added scratching the back of his left hand.

Of course the Gryffindor head of house knew that her champion would be coming to ask about this, so she smiled at him kindly. "Yes I had figured that was why you wanted the password to the prefect bathroom. The password is *******" (A/N - I can't think of a password 😬😑)

"Thanks Professor" Harry said as he swung his bag over his shoulder and left the classroom.


Harry sighed as he closed the door of the private bathroom, it was later that night and as he saw that no one had put their name down to use the bath at this time, he would go. He'd brought the screeching golden egg with him and a spare pair of clothes, seeing that he should just have a bath while he was at it.

After getting undressed and leaving his clothes in the corner of the room, he slipped into the bath, but not before making sure the water was at the right temperature; and it was at the perfect temperature. It surprised him at first but then he wanted to bang his head against the wall for his stupidity; he was in a magic bath tub, in a magic school, of course it was going to be the perfect temperature.

'Dumbass' he thought, berating himself.

He shook his head in disappointment at himself but decided not to waste anymore time. So he lifted the golden egg off the side of the tub, took a deep breath, then plunged himself and the egg under the water and opened the egg. He almost gasped and jumped for joy as the egg began to sing a sweet tune. Mermaids.

'Come seek us where our voices sound,

We cannot sing above the ground,

And while you're searching ponder this;

We've taken what you'll sorely miss,

An hour long you'll have to look,

And to recover what we took,

But past an hour, the prospect's black,

Too late, it's gone, it won't come back'

"Well, that's reassuring." Harry murmured to himself as he lifted his face and the egg out of the water.

Harry placed the egg to the side of the tub and decided that he would make the best of his time in the tub seeing as McGonagall would probably have the password changed by the end of the week. He started scrubbing himself down and thinking about the thing that the Mermaids would take. He first thought of his invisibility cloak or the marauders map, but realised that those things would be stupid. One, no one even knew the map existed apart from the twins, filch, Ron and Hermione. Two, Dumbledore doesn't have a say in what goes missing so it couldn't be the cloak.

(A/N - Harry had just guessed that Dumbledore had given him the cloak because that would be like him and his parents trusted the old man)

So what could it be... then it hit him. A person could be put under a version of the stasis charm, allowing them to be put somewhere underwater, most likely at a Mer-Village.

Now that the problem was solved he could very well put more time finding out how he was supposed to breathe underwater for an hour, considering that it would be too much of a hassle to come up to breath once every 20 seconds. Feeling rather accomplished with himself he got out of the bath and drained it, changed into his spare clothes, grabbed the egg and left the prefect bathroom.

Deciding on his way back he would visit the library to look for information on underwater breathing and Mer-people, he made a turn in the opposite direction towards the library.


A/N - I know the chapter is a bit shorter than usual but it just seems appropriate to end it here. It may seem like I'm rushing this, and to be honest, I am rushing this part. It's boring and I kinda want to get to the good stuff sooooo. Yeah.

I guess I'll see you next week with a chapter... a longer one.


EDIT: Dandeschön (Thank you in German) for all of the likes and comments and reads ofc. I'm really glad you are all enjoying it!

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