Chapter 28 ✅

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Harry sighed tiredly as he sat down on the side of his white sheet hospital bed. He'd been there for a little over a week and was just getting used to using a wheelchair since his wrist was still in a cast. The pendant that Tom had given him as a portkey had been thrown away when he got to the hospital by the doctors. He knew that no one would be able to actually use it but he had no way of contacting Tom.

Another problem constantly on his mind was Hydrath. How was he doing? Was he able to get out to go get food? He didn't know... but Hydrath was smart, he would find a way and hopefully stay close by.

Remi, his social worker had managed to arrange a court date. One that was private. Only the Dursley's, their lawyer, Harry, Remi, his lawyer, the judge, and a closed jury would overhear and oversee the proceedings. Apparently, according to Remi; Petunia and Vernon were taken from their home and Marge had been called to look after Dudley - who may also face time in the juvenile hall if any of his other victims come forward.

The date was for tomorrow which Harry was certainly sweating over. Though Remi had assured him that he wouldn't ever have to go back to live with them again, which brought a bit of relief to his face, though whether that would actually happen or not is another thing.

He could bet his entire fortune at Gringotts that Dumbledore would somehow pull a few strings and get his aunt and uncle less time than they should be due. Remi seemed nice enough and straight after the court hearing, he would be taken to get his belongings from the Dursleys and then, to a group home somewhere in London.

But until then, he would be faced with the boring white walls of his room in the muggle hospital. The irritating, constant ticking of the bedside clock was driving him insane but he didn't have anything more to do. He knew he was only a week and a half away from starting his next year at Hogwarts, but whether he was able to get there or not was another thing. Not that he really cared if he was able to get back or not, after all, Dumbledore was there and he could barely keep his anger towards the man pent up as he could. He just really wanted to see Tom again. His heart was aching at the lack of his affection. He missed the kisses and the cuddles so much but he didn't even have a way to get in contact with him. He could just hope that either he would be able to leave or that someone could find him.

But the chances were getting slimmer by the day.


Tom growled again gripping the pendant that he had given to Harry in his hand. This had been the last place that it had registered before it had been taken off and this is where it had been found. Another death eater had managed to overhear some of the older Order members that 'The Dursley's', who was Harry's muggle family members were going to court, for charges of child abuse. When Tom heard this, the poor death eater - Jorden... was that his name?

Well, he definitely found out how the curciatus curse felt.

But that's what brought him here, to where he had last traced the pendant. He needed to find Harry, he was starting to get desperate, and barely any of the death eater's could handle being in a room with him for more than a couple of minutes.

He realised just how much he actually needed Harry after he was gone. And he didn't like it, it made him weak, but it was a weakness he was okay with. He just needed to make sure that the teen never left his side again, and when he found him that would most definitely be happening.

No matter, the first thing that he was most likely going to check was hospitals, though he didn't think that Harry would've gotten himself caught off guard so easily, however, anything could happen so he wasn't about to rule anything out. The next would be group homes and the foster system. Though the likelihood of some of the Order members trying to adopt him would be likely as well.

Whatever. He would have some of the death eater's look into it, and then he would find Harry.

Merlin and Morgana help whoever tried to keep him from Harry because they would suffer a fate worse than death.

With the pendant still clutched in his hand, he walked away from the site, hoping that he would find Harry soon.


Harry swallowed the saliva that was gathering in his mouth, as he was called up to the stand to speak about the Dursley's abuse. He could feel their glares on his back as Remi pushed his wheelchair over towards the mic. As he started to tell the judge and the jury about the abuse that Vernon and Petunia Dursley had subjected him to. Though as Harry was giving his statement he looked into Vernon's eyes he could see the raw, burning anger behind the whale's eyes.

He could feel the horrid memories come back to him as he started to hyperventilate, the judge ordered that someone was to get him a drink and allow them a break which Harry was thankful for.

And before long the gruelling court session was over after 9 hours, the jury found Vernon and Petunia Dursley guilty of Severe physical Child Abuse, Physical neglect, failing to get Harry proper medical care, Educational neglect, and Psychological neglect. In which, Vernon was sentenced to 10 years in prison and Petunia was given three years since she didn't cause any real damage.

They had also claimed that Dudley Dursley was to be given to Marge Dursley and that if Petunia wanted to reclaim custody of him later on after she was released she would have to go to court when she was released. But for now, Harry was officially a ward of England's foster care system and he was to be taken to a group home, once his arm and leg were completely healed. Which wouldn't be long considering his magic was still at work, trying to speed along his healing process. But until then he had to go and get his belongings.


The first thing he searched for was hydrath. The rosy boa constrictor slithered over to him immediately and Harry whispered for him to hide in the pocket of his hoodie, which he did. But he also mentioned how people had come looking for him, someone called Barty.

Harry couldn't believe his ears, but Hydrath claimed that they took his stick. And Hydrath was right, they had taken his Wand, but at least it was safe. Though chances of him being able to actually escape without magic were tough.

At least they had said that his wrist had completely healed so he was able to use crutches now. But where he was going now was completely new and he was unsure, but hopefully, he could find a way out.


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