Chapter 35 ✅

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Harry found himself back in his bedroom at Cousland Manor, he smiled down at the leather portkey that was on his wrist. He was also glad to have his old wand back, that way he could do magic outside the wards of the manor that he now lived in and Hogwarts.

He summoned a tempus and swore quietly when he saw it was 8:07. Aedan was bound to be back by now, and no doubt had already checked Harry's rooms to see where he was. He wouldn't lie when he said he was starving. He summoned one of the elves, "Cally." The house elf appeared in front of him eyes wide and bright. "Young master has returned. Cally came up with lunch but yous were gone! Young master, your leg is better?"

Harry couldn't help but smile at the house-elf, even though he was only staying here for hopefully a short time until he found a way to leave this place all behind. He couldn't help but find her rambling amusing. "Yes, Cally. I had a healer friend fix my leg while I was away. That's why I was gone. Sorry I didn't tell you before I left, I didn't think you'd let me go if I said anything."

Cally smiled, "Cally understands Young master, but please tell me in the future, I want to make sure yous are safe."

Harry nodded. "Alright, Cally. Is dinner ready? If not can I have something to eat?"

The house-elf nodded vigorously. "Yes, Young master. I'll bring you up some dinner right away." The busy elf said, Harry nodded and waved his hand at her. "Thank you Cally, you're dismissed."

She popped away quietly and dinner was brought back up for Harry within Five minutes."


Aedan came up to see Harry later on after he'd finished his dinner in his rooms. Cally had given him a report on what Harry had done for the day, what really concerned him was that Harry left during the day and wasn't back until shortly after eight o'clock. Aedan hadn't managed to get back until nine, but it was now half nine and because he was now Harry's guardian he needed to make sure the boy was safe and had everything he needed.

What really interested him about Cally's report was that the 'Young master' leg had been healed, said that Harry had a healer friend do it.

That made Aedan feel like even more of a failure as a guardian to his best friends son. Harry didn't trust him with his health. He realised that Petunia, Vernon and Dudley Dursley had all played a part in how secretive he was, but Aedan wanted to be apart of the boy's life as much as any parent would to their own child. Again he cursed the names of Harry Potter's relatives and swore that if he ever saw them he'd beat them to a pulp for the abuse of his godson.

Aedan stood outside Harry's bedroom door, he'd hoped his charge had enough time to settle in before he knocked. The voice came from inside, inviting him in.

He opened the door quietly and shut it with nothing more than a click behind him, he was a Ravenclaw after all, quiet was golden in his eyes.

"Hey Harry. How was your day? I'm sorry I was out for the entire day." Aedan desperately wanted to be apart of his adopted child's life, he just didn't know how to.

Harry turned and smiled politely at Aedan. "Hello, it's okay if you were out all day. I found enough to entertain myself with. Plus I needed to go see a healer about fixing my leg."

Aedan nodded, "I'm glad you had a good time today. However I would like to know what you're doing or where you're going."

Harry looked down at his feet and nodded, he was more surprised by the fact that the man cared about what was happening in his life. No one had ever done that for him - except maybe Tom.

"I understand." the Gryffindor replied, still looking at his feet as if they were the most interesting thing in the room.

Aedan smiled and gave Harry a pat on the back, "What else did you do today Harry?" This caught his attention, he lifted his head to look at Aedan.

"Well, I left shortly after you and went to Horizont Alley. I have a friend there who just happens to be a healer, they fixed my leg and foot. I stayed there for a while were we caught up and then I left and saw someone else I knew and we talked for a bit and then I came back. I also went to Gringotts too."

Harry finished off with, Aedan smiled. "It sounds like you had a more interesting day than me. I met with Dumbledore today."

Harry nodded, he already knew this would happen. "What did he say?"

"He said that he was surprised that I even had a son and said that you could get on the train after Christmas back to Hogwarts. Said that he would be happy to have you."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows, "did you not tell him that I was Harry Potter?" Aedan smirked mischievously at him. Harry's eye lit up, "You didn't!"

Aedan smirked, "As far as he knows you are my sweet, magical son that I recently adopted who had done most of his magical training at Mahoutokoro School in Japan. Of course we may have to get rid of your scar and possibly alter your appearance a bit."

Harry smiled. This was a genuine smile, he would be going to Hogwarts again, get sorted again and have new friends. "Thank you so much." Harry gave the man a hug, "Hadrian. Hadrian Max. If you haven't enrolled me under a name yet."

Aedan smiled at Harry as he hugged his adopted son and godson. "Of course Hadrian. But we will have to come up with a suitable backstory for you."

Harry nodded and hugged Aedan tighter. This was the happiest he'd felt in a long time around someone other than Tom.

A/n - Sorry it's shorter than usual but I had a lot going on. My hearing is still shit, though I can hear a bit more than usual, it probably still means that I have to get it micro-suctioned. Though I'm looking forward to going back to school, and getting to tell my teachers that I'm now half deaf... I must be the most difficult child in my class.

Anyways how was your guys week? Tell me in the comments!

I also want to thank you all for 205k reads, 7k votes and 508 followers. It really does amaze me how much you guys love this!

Plus what house should Hadrian Max be placed in when he gets to Hogwarts? Let me know.

That's all from me this week,


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