Chapter 38 ✅

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—"Sorting Hat"

Hadrian turned to Aedan as they stood in the busy train station. He'd never been here at Yule, plus it's not like he'd want to go back to the Dursley's for longer than at all possible.

Hadrian had just decided to come in his new un-house-marked robes. He couldn't be bothered to get changed on the train, plus he wanted to try meet a couple of people - namely Draco and other Slytherins - since he figured that he'd probably go there or Ravenclaw.

With Max and Cousland both being Pureblood names he wouldn't have to try that hard to fit into the pureblood social ranks - even if he wasn't a pureblood.

Hadrian looked around and spied a family of three, two platinum blonds and another with half black half blonde hair.

Hadrian looked up at his new father. "It would probably be best to introduce myself into the pureblood social circles." Aedan just nodded. "If that's what you want to do Hadrian. Do you know which house you think you're going to get?"

Hadrian hummed thoughtfully, "Perhaps Ravenclaw... but most likely Slytherin."

Aedan nodded. "Well if you're going to go I must say a proper goodbye until the summer holidays. I will send an owl tonight. I want you to reply." Hadrian nodded and gave Aedan a nod, before turning with his trunk to walk towards the train.

"And Hadrian?"

The child turned to face his father. "Make sure you make good friends. I don't care about who they are."

Hadrian gave his father a small smile and started walking towards one of the entrances to the train carriages. His trunk was spelled to follow behind him a bit off the ground, the next thing Hadrian was wondering was where he would sit. He refused to sit with Ron or Hermione ever again, and it's not like he knew were Draco sat since the blond always found him. His best bet would probably be to sit were used to sit as Harry Potter, for his luck Ron and Hermione probably sit with Ginny or Fred, George and Lee.

Hadrian was right. No one came to sit in the compartment, not even Ron and Hermione. Hadrian couldn't help but be a little disappointed that he didn't see the snarky blond, but if he was put in Slytherin they would see each other every day. Plenty of time to befriend him.

Hadrian just sighed and pulled out a book. It was a dark arts book disguised as a transfiguration book, not that it was need to know information. Hadrian quickly found his inner raven claw and started taking notes down the sides of the pages. Notes for spells and ways he could combine their properties.

He had also made sure to study a bit of magical healing since he had decided to pick Alchemy for one of his OWLs. He dropped CoMC and Divination. So his electives were Alchemy, Ancient runes and Arithmancy. They would help the war effort and perhaps he might even become an unspeakable afterwards. That's if he wanted, the secrecy he could handle well... though he would tell Tom. He told Tom basically everything.

Hadrian sighed as he turned the page of the dark arts book, settling into it indefinitely.


Hadrian looked up from the Alchemy book that he'd been reading as the train slowed down. It had been at least seven hours, since they departed from kings cross. Hadrian enlarged his pocket and stuffed the book he was reading in it.

Hadrian made sure to put an extensive locking charm on his trunk before heading off the train. People gave him a couple weird looks as they seen his robes. He didn't really care, transfers weren't normal especially in the middle of the year. A loud voice rang through the air, "Mr 'ousland!"

Hadrian would remember that voice anywhere. Hagrid was most likely going to take him to Hogwarts across the lake in a boat. Hadrian started to walk towards the half giant, people cleared a path for him, staring but he wouldn't let it bother him.

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