Chapter 26 ✅

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A/n - I was sent home from school on Wednesday and Friday last week because of migraines. So apart from catching up on schoolwork missed, I've been taking my meds, sleeping or reading. Quite honestly I've had no drive or anything to actually write this week but I'm determined to get out something. Sorry if it's not the best quality or anything.

Without further ado let's get into this chapter


⚠️Warning: This chapter will contain graphic physical abuse⚠️


Harry had been so bored lately, although his relatives had been keeping him busy with chores and doing their shit that in all honesty, they should be doing. I mean, who doesn't clean their own room at aged fifteen? Dudley Dursley. That's who.

Harry was hurriedly lifting up all the clothes off the floor and folding them quickly in neat plies and putting them in drawers. As he picked up a t-shirt, he coughed violently, it stunk of sweat and like it had been lying in horse shit for over three weeks. Gagging, he threw it at the door with all the other clothes that needed put in the washing machine.

He looked up at the clock on the wall of the bedroom, which was white stained yellow thanks to the cigarettes the overweight boy had been smoking for a couple of years. It was almost ten to four, swearing to himself, Harry started working a bit quicker panicking. This was the night that Vernon got home early, while he didn't have to cook tonight which was a bit of a relief since the man usually got himself and the rest of his family a takeaway with questionable portion sizes.

He finished making the bed and lifted all of the manky clothes to take down and stuff in the washing machine. He had used the timeturner once already today to get in a little extra sleep from a meeting that had run right on into the early hours of the morning.

As he finished stuffing the clothes into the washing machine he heard a door close, his head shot up, wide as if he was a deer caught in headlights. Petunia was watching Dudley at a rugby match and was most likely bringing him home right now. By the extreme creak in the floorboards and stomping, he could most definitely tell that it was his Uncle that had just arrived home.

He knew he was in for it, he hadn't gotten a chance to move the other clothes into the dryer, fold and put away the ones that had finished. He swallowed as his throat tightened, scared was one way to put it, but terrified was a better adjective to describe Harry as he hurried to stuff the washed clothes into the dryer. Vernon's footsteps were getting louder and heavier by the second and he knew that he wouldn't succeed in getting all of the chores done. Steeling himself for the worst possible outcome he took in a deep breath and before he knew it he was face-to-face with Vernon who was beet red in the face with anger. You could practically see the veins popping out from the side of his head. Harry was rather surprised he hadn't had a brain aneurism yet.

⚠️Warning: Graphic Physical Abuse Ahead⚠️

"You little good for nothing bastard! Can't you do anything right?! You can't even do a list of chores before I get home!" Vernon repeatedly slapped the fourteen-year-old in the face, who just bore it as if it was something he deserved. Though he really did think that at times.

It wasn't long before Harry found himself pinned against the wall, blood spatter over the floor and walls. Vernon was gripping him by his neck while punching his chest area. Harry could feel and hear the sickening cracks of his ribs as he struggled to breathe, his vision was bleary as he looked up at the smirking face of the whale, who looked like he was enjoying the very obvious pain that Harry was suffering.

His ears were ringing, he could feel his rapid heartbeat and his abnormally shallow breaths. He was fighting to stay away but it was a task in itself. After all, he was still relatively underweight which Tom had pointed out to him a couple of times that Harry blew off because it wasn't important.

Vernon was still screaming insults at him but he couldn't hear them over the deafening ringing in his ears giving him something of a migraine. His eyes were watering as punch after punch to his stomach was delivered while he was still fighting to get a breath of air and before long his Uncle stopped and turned away, releasing his neck allowing him to slump to the floor. His darkening vision seemed to just get darker and darker as he could barely make out the blurry figure of Vernon dragging him towards his cupboard under the stairs as he blacked out for the time being.

—⚠️Abuse over⚠️—

Tom was worried. He had been concerned when Harry hadn't shown up for the meeting later that night but thought nothing of it, considering he was there almost every night and was most likely just tired from the timeturner use. And surely enough Harry showed up the next day in his glamour and apologised profusely for not being there.

Tom had brushed off the apology with a dismissive wave of his hand saying that it was him who had overworked him and he wasn't expected to be there all the time. Tom invited him up to his study so they could get caught up on what he'd missed earlier. Which led to talking among other things like kissing and cuddling.

There was something bugging Tom as he felt Harry recoil or hiss at times when he touched his chest area but it wasn't so serious that he felt that it was life-threatening. Oh, but how wrong he was.

Now, Harry has been missing for three days and worrying was all Tom could do.


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