Chapter 44

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"I will burn him alive."


"Burry him alive!"

"Also, no."

"Fuck this, imma break his neck who the fuck is it?" Jungkook hisses, his eyes glowing a scary dark red color as he slams his hands on the table, startling both his father and his mate that are sitting before him. 

"That's the problem, we don't know who it is," Jin sighs and pinches his nose. The two youngers spend the morning explaining him what happened yesterday. That also leaded to Taehyung explaining about the stalker he has supposedly had since their trip to Busan. As Taehyung kept explaining what different situations he has been in because of this mysterious guy, Jungkook has become progressively more and more angry. Well, it's probably Jeon who's having a fit and is trying to take over.

Just as Taehyung had predicted, he's probably going to have his own personal guard dog from now on because Jungkook is so riled up about him being followed. Which is understandable, Taehyung would have been just as possessive if it was Jungkook who had been followed around.

"This man hasn't done anything, so I think we should refrain from ripping his head off. I don't know what his deal is, but I'm getting really curious," Taehyung states, "he has just been in the shadows and observed me all this time."

"But what if he's just planning on taking you away? Oh no, what if he's a kidnapper?" Jungkook stresses.

"I think he would have done that already then, he has had countless opportunities to do that," Taehyung replies.

"Well, that makes me feel bad... I didn't protect you-"

"That's actually what you did though," Taehyung states and can't help but chuckle slightly when Jungkook's eyes turn back to brown and he pouts slightly. He should have asked Taehyung if he should've come and picked him up... or maybe even just had him on the phone. It could have ended in horror if Jungkook hadn't seen-... hold on... 

Taehyung doesn't get to study him for long before his facial expression once again changes, this time with confusion.

"Wait... in the shadows? Always?"

Taehyung frowns and nods, "yeah, I have only seen him close one time and that was when I saw him on the hotel in Busan. I followed him yesterday because I haven't seen anything aside from his silhouette and his eyes since then..."

"So he... lead you to those alphas?" Jin questions. 

"I don't know... he disappeared before they found me..." Taehyung says and taps his chin slightly. Jin leans back in his chair with a sigh, he feels like this is some stupid riddle none of them can seem to figure out. Why would Taehyung be stalked? Sure, he's overly handsome, but almost everyone who has seen him in his every day life knows he has Jungkook as mate, therefore the threat of a pure-blood should be enough to make people think twice before lying a hand on the beautiful omega. 

"I don't think he lead you there on purpose," Jungkook breaks his stream of thoughts. His eyes are looking around as if his mind is trying to put all the missing pieces together, "I saw him too..."

Now it's Taehyung time to be confused. He has never seen the shadow whenever Jungkook has been near... only when...

"Did he find you...?"

"Yes," Jungkook says and looks up, "I felt the pain that you were in danger, but I had no idea where to go. I saw a-a shadow? I don't know why, but I just chose to follow it because I was so panicked... it lead me straight to you."

"So, the shadow dude is good?" Jin breaks in.

"Depends on if he lead me to those alphas on purpose or not... well, I guess he did own up to his mistake by collecting Jungkook?" Taehyung mumbles, more to himself. 

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now