Chapter 51

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Double update💜

Taehyung yawns slightly as he throws his bag that's filled with new clean clothes on Jungkook's bed. He got off work a little early today so he decided to go switch his wardrobe for some new clothes, considering he's almost living at Jungkook's house these days. It seems like the younger is still out with Chanyeol, so Taehyung has some time to fix all of his clothes.

Before work, he went over to his friends' house to discuss with them. He told them about Suho and to say they were shocked is an understatement, Hoseok almost choked on the croissant he was eating. However, they are totally up for the deal with finding out about Suho's background but in order to do that... they need some very certain information.

They decided that in two days, they will sneak into Namjoon's office and collect information on the alpha's computer. That might lead to Suho's CV which may show where he was born. They just need to know which hospital... whatever they have in mind is like, super illigal or something, but it's worth the risk.

The blue-haired boy sighs as he folds his clothes, gently humming to himself. It takes a small hour for him to place all his clothes in the empty side of Jungkook's closet, in a color corrected way even. That's when the door to the bedroom is slowly pushed open and the amazing scent of Jungkook fills Taehyung nostrils.

He turns with a smile, "Hey Jungkook, did it go well wi-" Taehyung's words are brutally cut off when he feels a strong hold around his body and before he can even think about what is going on, he's getting yeeted against the wall beside him with a loud thud.

His breath immedietly gets slammed out of him and he caughts violently to try and gain it back. The pain in his back makes it hard for him stay up so he holds around he stomach and leans forward, grunting loudly.

"Oh my god! I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do it that h-hard, are you okay?" Jungkook's cries out, his hands fumbling around, trying to hold around Taehyung without hurting him further.

Well, that didn't go as planned... he had actually gone in here with one thing in mind, wanting to try the new move he had learned... so he finally built up the courage to seduce Taehyung but it seems like he was a little too excited. It's safe to say Taehyung wasn't expecting to get body-slammed into a wall this praticular afternoon. Jungkook didn't think he was holding onto him that tightly! He didn't mean to throw him...

"W-What the fuck was that?" Taehyung says, still struggling and caughing.

"I'm sorry! I-I don't know what I was doing but Chanyeol said... I don't know," Jungkook cries out and gently grabs underneath Taehyung's chin so he can look him in the eyes and see if he's okay. Taehyung whines a little at his sudden back pain, but luckily it doesn't take long before it subsides, considering they are werewolves.

"That can't have been nothing," Taehyung hisses as he runs a hand over his back, looking at Jungkook in confusion. The boy blushes and his mouth helplessly opens and closes to say a sentence.

"Uhmmm... well, Chanyeol told me to try something b-but... I think I got a little nervous," the younger stutters and Taehyung looks at him for a few seconds.

"A little!? Dude, you literally flung me against a wall," Taehyung can't help but laugh at the big, brown eyes that are staring at him, filled with sadness and regret. The raven definetly didn't mean to hurt Taehyung, that's clear to see. But that doesn't mean he can't explain himself.

"S-Sorry!" Jungkook hides his face in his hands and takes a few steps back. How stupid of him to actually believe he could do this right. Flirting hasn't even been in his dictonary and clearly he doesn't know how to do it either... he'll be needing a lot of lessons to make this work out.

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