Chapter 10

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Taehyung grabs the side of the plate as he stares down at it, hearing Jin's hesitant words. He explained even further how Jungkook's body had been so brushed that it took days for him to heal. For a werewolf, a true-blood at that, it's very rare to heal that slowly.

That just indicates that Jungkook had been abused day in and day out for years. Taehyung can't even imagine the pain he has been through, considering how young he was.

"I-I don't know what to say," he mutters out and Jin gives him a small smile. Honestly, there are no words to reply.

"It's understandable, it's a lot to take in. I just need you to know that he doesn't hate you or despise you. He's just sick," the elder sighs and pushes his now empty plate away from him. It's never easy speaking about Jungkook's past, it's a dark time in both or their lives. 

Taehyung nods but then halts at a certain word.

"Sick?" he questions. Is it like mentally sick? He looks at Jin who nod slowly.

"He has a degree of aspergers. Normally, that sickness isn't much trouble and most people get to live a happy and perfect life aside from it. The problem is... it wasn't taken care of when he was young. His dad didn't work with Jungkook's social anxiety, he didn't teach him between right and wrong in the way a child should be, worstly he didn't accept that Jungkook struggled going outside and with taking care of himself," Jin explains.

Through the years, he had to give Jungkook medication and what not to calm his wolf down, but also prevent panic attacks. Luckily, the said male got off the pills a few years ago since he has more control of it these days.

"He got beaten whenever he did something wrong, but he never got to know what he did wrong or why it was wrong in itself. This caused him to think that things like communicating with his wolf was a bad thing or accidently walking into something in the mall was like killing a person," the elder sighs.

Taehyung gulps. That explains why Jungkook is so jumpy all the time, which is very rare from someone his size and rank.

"His aspergers got so bad that he couldn't even leave the house the first six months he stayed with me... it took me so long to even get him to the cafe."

"When did he explain it to you? All of this," Taehyung asks. He can't help but be extremely curious about his mate.

His entire life he has had people and family around him that has taken care of him. He doesn't know how to deal with a person who has been beaten and let down since childhood. It's not something you just suddenly fix. 

"Ah, I remember that clearly. It was his 14th birthday. He had a panic attack earlier that day because his wolf took over him without his control. He couldn't hold it in and told me everything. Back then, he became so good a hiding his wolf that it shocked him to the core when Jeon suddenly escaped his mind," Jin says. 

Taehyung thinks about the name of Jungkook's wolf for a second. It sounds a bit odd in his opinion. His wolf is simply named V. He shakes his head and turns back towards Jin.

"So... that's why I can't smell him unless he's really close?" Taehyung asks. 

"Yes, he doesn't like the looks and attention he gets, so he tries to keep a low profile. It doesn't seem to be working much to be honest," Jin scratches his neck with a sigh, "he has always been timid. I don't think it will be easy for you to talk with him."

Taehyung looks down at that. He's desperate to be with his mate, just like any other mate would be. It's in their blood that they need each other, therefore it was never an option in Taehyung's mind to reject his mate.

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