Chapter 23

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Jungkook gently places the bag that's filled with some spare clothes and other items needed for a weekend trip on the floor beside his bed. Today is the day the bus will be leaving from school by the evening, riding towards Busan. Jungkook already payed in cash at school, so he's going without a doubt.

What he isn't ready for is getting past Jin. If Jungkook is going to sneak out, he'll leave a note for Jin to see and not worry about him.

For most teenagers, this seems like a usual act of rebellion. Jungkook can't run from the fact that it shakes him to his very core that he's going to do something like this.

The entire morning, he has been walking back and forth in pure worry. He's scared Jin will smell his fear, but after so many years of holding back the smell of a pure-blood wolf, he should be able to handle that.

Should he do it? He'll be with Taehyung, his beautiful amazing mate who wants him there. On the other hand, he'll leave his ever so lovely father behind with broken trust. It probably isn't such a big deal, Jin will see the note and understand, it won't be a problem. When Jungkook comes back home, they'll figure it out and everything will be fine.

With that mental encourangement, Jungkook finally gets it together and leaves the bag hidden behind the bed before he walks outside.

Jin is walking around in the kitchen, cleaning up around the small space. Jungkook doesn't act any different and walks over to sit down. The cereal box is placed on the table beside a bowl with a spoon in it. Normal. Just like any other day.

Then why is Jungkook about to fucking gag his heart out!?

Okay. He needs to calm down. He takes a deep breath as he grabs the cereal box and opens it to pour his breakfast.

"What's wrong?"

The box slips from Jungkook's hand and his other hand immedietly flies and fumbles in order to stop the precious food from spilling all over the floor. After a second he luckily catches it in the most awkward position ever. He gulps slightly and looks up at Jin who's just having his eyebrow raised. That scared the younger.

"N-Nothing," Jungkook says and immedietly pulls off a smile, placing the cereal back.

"Aha," Jin says, clearly not convinced.

Jungkook opens his mouth to say something, but the words disappear and he closes it helplessly again.

"Jungkook?" Jin pushes it, but Jungkook just scoops the food into his mouth as fast as he can before standing back up. He grabs the bowl and quickly brings it to the kitchen. Before leaving, he kisses Jin's cheek and grabs his bag before heading down the stairs.

Jin is left standing completely confused, looking at the stairway that Jungkook disappeared down. Well, that's unusual. He shrugs his shoulders and turns back towards the sink with some still dirty dishes. With a loud sigh, he starts cleaning them up.


Jungkook has been staring into space the entire time they have had a break, making Taehyung lift an eyebrow at him. Sure, it has always been hard to read Jungkook, but today he seems extremely off.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung gently places his hand on Jungkook's arm, making the younger flinch in surprise. Taehyung's frown deepens. Jungkook's always jumpy, but it has been a while since he straight up flinched at Taehyung's touch. He's very alert today.

"Are you okay?" he whispers, making sure the others around them aren't paying attention. They are by the usual table, eating lunch. Jungkook bites his lip and nods slowly, his eyes getting covered by his rather long black locks.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now