Chapter 53

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A small gasp leaves the omega as the male before him bites into his bottom lip, not holding back on pressing their lower parts together.

Jin sits on the table and helplessly holds around the other in order to not fall backwards, his mind fuzzy and body shaking. Why is he here? He doesn't know.

His lips once again get stolen and he feels the alpha's tongue force it's way into his mouth like it has done so many times before. The big hands are digging into his hips and lifting up his shirt, fighting to feel as much of the skin as possible

This is wrong. So wrong.

He's just about to open the other's belt when he's suddenly jolted out of his daze by his phone. He bought one not long ago in order to make it easier for Jungkook to contact him, so he immediately gets distracted when it's buzzing in his back pocket.

He pushes Namjoon back and grabs his phone, dismissing the needing look on the principal's face. They shouldn't even be doing this in the first place, so why is he looking so disappointed when Jin pushed him back? The elder won't admit it, but he finds he it kind of cute to be honest. He has found a lot of things cute about Namjoon doing the time they have been... hooking up, as the youngers would call it.

Exactly the reason why it's wrong.

It all started when Jin one day agreed to have a party-night with some friends and went out, it was a complete coincidence that Namjoon visited the same bar as they did. Explained shortly; with the alcohol in their blood and for obvious reasons, a lot of things to talk about... they ended up in Namjoon's apartment where they hooked up for about 5 times that night.

Not one of Jin's proudest moments, so to say...

He has been tearing himself down over it ever since... the man is his son's principal for Pete's shake! How is he supposed to explain that to Jungkook? He doesn't know, that's why he has been dismissing the fact that he and Namjoon are as meant for each other and have been meeting up quite a lot of times since then to satisfy their needs. Honestly, Jin has been craving sex for so long but just been to busy to do anything about it... he convinces himself that's the reason why he's keeping this arrangement even though there's a lot more to it then that. Also, he feels like he's way too old for this. Partying and hooking up is a young-adult thing, yet here he is.

At first, he was so angry at Namjoon for agreeing since Jin knows the younger doesn't have a mate. However, Namjoon was quick to inform him that his mate died in a car crash years ago, putting him in the same, lonely boat as Jin. It's almost too good to be true.

"Jungkook?" Jin asks quickly, knowing that basically no one else would be calling him. 

He hears Jungkook's strained response and he feels fear and worry rush through his body immediately. Without hesitation, he jumps down from the table and starts collecting all of his clothes. 

"Is it really that bad?" he asks stupidly, knowing that it's probably pretty fucking bad for Jungkook to call him so urgently. If Jungkook is in rut, it's not going to be a pretty picture meeting him once he gets back home. He quickly asks Jungkook if he can contact that beta friend he has and starts brainstorming where he can get some heat suppressants as quickly as possible.

The call is cut and he puts his phone back in his pocket, rushing to the front door of Namjoon's apartment to grab his jacket. 

"What happened?" the younger asks and follows his lover, seeing him drag his shoes on so quickly it seems like a tsunami is coming their way right now.

"Jungkook is in rut... I need to get home to him," Jin replies and stands back up. He rushes over to Namjoon and pecks his lips, "this won't happen again." Yes it will and both of them know that, but Jin is still holding on to that little bit of pride he has left. 

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now