Chapter 32

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"He's what!?" Taehyung yells into Jimin's face who just came running to him with some very horrible news. 

Yesterday, Taehyung went all crazy on Jungkook and screamed at him before leaving the café in blinded anger. The entire way home though, he regretted everything. He knows he went totally overboard, yelling at Jungkook is not going to solve anything. On the other hand, Taehyung actually thinks he made it worse.

 "He's not dead okay? He will probably wake up later today or maybe tomorrow, he'll only need to stay in the hospital for a couple or days or so," Jimin explains, trying to calm down his stressed friend.

"No! No, you don't understand- I- I-... It's all my fault," Taehyung says while grabbing his hair. Jimin just said Jungkook got enrolled to the hospital yesterday, totally passed out. The elder is starting to feel really bad, it's all his fault. He's not just the worst mate, he's also a horrible friend... 

"Not only yours Tae, but... you might have triggered something?" Jimin hesitantly says.

"You're not making it better..."

"But I'm right, aren't I?" Jimin asks. 

Taehyung lets his hands fall back beside him, his eyes glancing down at the floor as he feels the tears sting. He's terrible... terrible! He sighs and sits down on a nearby chair, they are in the library. Jimin joins on the other side of the table and he just looks at his friend with sympathy.

"Want to talk about it?" Jimin asks. Taehyung is eager to go to the hospital and see Jungkook, but Jin didn't contact him and Jungkook probably doesn't want to see him anyway. It's understandable though. 

"I... I fucked up yesterday... I wasn't thinking straight and I was just so fed up with him running away all the time but... I have realized I was just being selfish," he mumbles and places his head in his hands, "I didn't mean anything I said..."

"We all make mistakes Tae, I know it can be tough for you to be with someone like Jungkook," Jimin states.

Taehyung feels himself frown a little at that statement. Why is it that he want to give Jimin right? Why does he feel like he is struggling with a lot of things because he's with Jungkook? That's just selfishness that's burning up his chest. He hasn't been good to Jungkook and he has forgotten to look after the other's health and not just his own. 

The entire time, he fought for them to be together because he wanted them to be. He has tried to respect Jungkook's behavior, but now he just snapped and that's not okay. Jungkook doesn't deserve that. 

"No... it's tough for me to deal with myself when I'm with Jungkook... I'm completely forgetting that this relationship is a two-sided thing, not just me trying to fight Jungkook over. I have probably approaches this horribly..." Taehyung states with a deep sigh. Jimin just nods slightly.

"I get what you mean Tae, but since it is a two-sided thing, you can't forget yourself in it either. Jungkook probably feels just as guilty as you for ignoring you," he explains, "just don't give up."

Taehyung nods and looks down at his hands. He wishes to be with Jungkook, but he has to start thinking it's not only because of their bond. He wants to make himself to be with Jungkook because the younger is an amazing and kindhearted person that is more than just Taehyung's mate. Taehyung has been so blinded by the feelings through the bond that he sometimes have forgotten to really respect and learn more about Jungkook.

He wishes to change that.

"I'm going to the hospital," Taehyung states in a determined manner. Jimin heard it from Namjoon who accidently spilled about Jungkook's sudden disappearance. However, not even Namjoon knows exactly why Jungkook is in the hospital.

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