Chapter 17

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Taehyung slowly tugs the blanket closer to Jungkook's body, seeing him relaxing peacefully. The blue-haired boy just finished eating some food together with Jin who went down to take care of some customers. He told Taehyung that he was free to watch tv or look around if he was getting bored.

Most of the time, he has just been looking at Jungkook. He hasn't been able to help himself from running his hand through the raven's black locks. It gives him a whole other level of peace in his body, something he never thought was possible.

He feels completed.

But after an hour or so of just waiting for Jungkook to wake up, Taehyung decides to look around a little. It isn't a big house, and it tells Taehyung that this family probably isn't very stable economically. It makes him feel slightly bad, considering how rich he is himself.

He first walks to the kitchen and the room near it. It seems to be Jin's room from the scent, also it's very clean and tidy, just like Taehyung imagined Jin's room to be like. He continues to the other door that can't be anything aside from Jungkook's room.

Taehyung doesn't know that the door got fixed yesterday by Jin, but it did. Since Jungkook never came home, Jin didn't have anything else to do than call someone who could fix the door. It was completely destroyed after all.

The blue-haired boy slowly pushes it open and immedietly he's hit by the strong scent of his mate. It's even more permanent in here, it almost makes his legs shake in submission. He goes in and sees it's a little more messy than Jin's but still surprisingly clean. 

There isn't much aside from the bed and a dresser, but when Taehyung closes the door he sees a desk behind it. On in, there's a whole lot of papers, some painted and others not. Around them are all types of paint brushes and pencils scattered, it's pretty unorganized but it has its charm.

Taehyung's eyes glows as he walks closer and looks over the paintings. It's of all kinds of things, humans, animals, nature, you name it. Taehyung never expected that Jungkook was this talent when it came to drawing. He knows he's creative, but not on this level.

He keeps looking through the things, trying not to let his curiosity take him too far.  A while passes before Taehyung leaves the room again. Jungkook is still sleeping, but he has moved to another side, it probably won't be long before he wakes up.

"Hey Taehyung, can you bring this to Jungkook's room?" Jin asks from the stairs and Taehyung quickly goes down to help. It seems like the principal came to deliver Jungkook's bag that he obviously left at school. 

Wonder if the principal heard about it? Hopefully it won't affect Jungkook too bad.

"I'll be up in a minute," Jin says.

Taehyung retrieves the bag from a somewhat... flushing Jin? He just sees the elder male escape inside the cafe before he can comment on it. Strange.

Taehyung shrugs and brings the backpack upstairs. Half of Jungkook's skateboard is sticking out of it, and the blue-haired boy's eyes can't help but curiously look down it's back. It seems like there's a motive on the underside of the board. Did Jungkook paint that himself too?

He brings the bag into the room and places it on his bed. He knows he shouldn't snoop in others stuff, but he just can't help it. He has always been curious, so everyone around him just got to live with the fact that he can't keep his hands away.

He gently pulls the board out. It's pretty worn-out on the edges, on top of that it seems to be a really old model... it's not very big either. Even so, Taehyung has seen Jungkook with this board almost everyday, somehow... it seems very dear to him.

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