Explanation (A/N)

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Please read if you have the time! Especially the part about the chapters not fully loading! The rest is optional to read ❤️

Hey guys! So glad to see you want to give this story a chance, it truly warms my heart! ❤️

I have to add an extra chapter separated from the A/N, since I have seen some confusion along the way as my story has been out on wp. So here, I will be explaining a few things - it is not necessary to read, but if you want to have the best experience reading my story, I recommend you at least skim it.

So let's begin ❤️


In the story, the mental disorder aspergers will be mentioned. At the time I wrote this story, I wasn't aware that aspergers is no longer a diagnosis (instead, the autism spectrum is used). I have tried to educate myself on the matter, but I hope you will be able to look past it in this story, since it will take too long for me to edit and take up time I do not have. At the same time, as I mentioned in the A/N, I refer to aspergers as a "sickness" which it is not, it is a disorder/illness and I'm aware of that. But in my country, we use the same word for sickness and mental disorders, so it completely flew over my head! I'm really sorry about that as well, but I hope you understand!❤️ This is a work of fiction, therefore not everything is going to be correct. I have tried my very best, and will continue to try and educate myself on the matter - but I am just human after all and things are different in my country than in most of yours (that's why communication sometime lacks). I think there should be room for all types of characters in stories, that's why I created Jungkook the way I did. I hope you will enjoy the story nevertheless! ❤️

Jungkook's age

To avoid confusion, I will be mentioning Jungkook's age here since it has been debated through the story and I might have made some wrong calculations... But he's 17 at first and turns 18 pretty early in the story. I didn't write about his birthday though, since I wasn't able to fit it into the storyline at the time. So just so you know, he's 18 almost the entire story through! ❤️


I have seen a lot of comments debate about people, parents, and teachers being called by their first name which is considered rude in most parts of the world. It is not intended to be rude in this story!! In my country, we almost never call people by their last names. It's very rare and therefore not rude at all to call people by their first name/title (not even your parents). I tend to forget that it's different in other countries, so sometimes I write certain characters' names instead of etc. Father to avoid confusion and getting the characters mixed up. It's just so you know! ❤️


English is not my first language and there are quite some dumb mistakes and typos in this story haha - but at this point, I don't really want to edit the story, because I have so many memories from all the comments here and it would be a shame to see them disappear from directly in the text (you can still see them, but they will not show up at each section of text, and I find that rather sad...). But from what I have heard, I make a lot of silly mistakes but mistakes that are somewhat easy to read past. So, the flow of the story is still fine and you should be able to understand my intention even though there are some spelling mistakes. I hope you will be able to enjoy the story nonetheless!

Pages not fully loading

Some of my readers have experienced that sometimes parts of the chapters are missing when reading. This happens if the chapter doesn't load fully and it seems that reading on a computer can cause this problem more often than on a phone or tablet. So, as you read make sure the chapters are fully loaded - it would be a shame to miss something! If it causes trouble on your phone as well, the story is uploaded to ao3 by the same name and with my username as the creater - so in case it doesn't work here, you can read the story there. Thank you!❤️

Mature / warnings

This story is mature, but the warnings might be a bit of an overkill. With all the warnings in the description, this story seems brutal! But I swear it is really not that bad. There is triggering content though, so I would rather warn too much than have someone get a bad experience. Just know that you read this story at your own risk and you are free to leave any time. It's fiction and therefore should be viewed as fiction. I don't want anyone to feel bad about reading this story, that's why there are so many warnings. There will be warnings in some chapters, but not for everything!! So if you are easily triggered, take a moment to think about the warnings before you continue. Just remember that you have been warned! ❤️

Still, I hope you will give this story a chance. If you are a reader who has read this story already and came to this update hoping for a bonus chapter, I'm really sorry! But I promise there's a bonus chapter in the making!!

I also want to thank all of my readers! I'm truly blessed to have readers who took their time to write amazing comments about this story! So THANK YOU SO MUCH! ❤️

All new readers, I welcome you and hope you will enjoy this journey! Thank you!

Let's get on with the story! ❤️

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