Chapter 20

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"They were talking about it..."

"And what did you say?" Jin asks as he cleans up a plate that's too big to fit in the washing machine. They are closing down the café for the night and Jungkook is currently talking about his day.

"That I probably won't be going," the younger explains. He told Jin about the upcoming trip that's apparently includes his class.

Jin nods and gives Jungkook a gentle clap on the back, "it's best that way."

Jungkook agrees, but he can't help but feel a little conflicted about it. Now that Taehyung is there, maybe he won't cause any trouble. He got enough money to pay for the trip, Jin wouldn't have to worry about that. Still, he feels safer in picking what he always does. The easy way. And that way is staying home.

"I'm so glad you're starting to get friends!" Jin squeeks and dances a little to the low beat of music that's coming from their old radio.

He almost freaked out when Jungkook told him that he sat together with someone doing lunch. That hasn't happened before.

"F-Friends might be a bit of an overstatement-"

"Familiers then! Do you even believe that it's the first time ever you have been with someone by you free will? I don't know about you, but this is a big thing for me," Jin states. He did raise the kid for years, seeing him suddenly become social is a gift he never thought he would get.

"Yeah," Jungkook smiles slightly. He's actually pretty satisfied with himself. He was still awkward as fuck while talking with his 'familiars', but he didn't run away and he actually replied when they asked him about something.

To say he's proud of himself might be a bit much, but he's getting there.

"Let's go up and make dinner, it's getting late," Jin states and heads out of the kitchen. Jungkook finishes up and quickly dries his hands off.

He walks outside, but doesn't get far as he almost knocks over his one and only. Luckily, he gets to stop himself dramatically so he doesn't bump into Taehyung.

"Oh! Jungkook, hey," he smiles and Jungkook jumps a long step back. Where did he come from?

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he adds.

"I-It's okay," Jungkook quickly gets out as he feels his cheeks tint. He looks down in embarrasment after confirming that Jin isn't here but he must have lead Taehyung inside.

"I'm just here to ask if I could give you my number? Maybe? So we can get in touch easier?" Taehyung asks, now he's shy too.

God, it's just awkward and extreme awkward that are standing in front of each other.

"U-Um I-" Jungkook gulps and timidly scratches his neck, "I-I don't have a phone... but we have a landline, w-we can maybe use that?"

Jungkook wasn't thinking straight when he said that. A landline can't fucking text, he's going have to call and talk with Taehyung everytime. Fuck, that's impossible.

"Oh. That's okay! Here's my number, can I get the number of the landline then?" Taehyung kindly reaches out a note and Jungkook takes it with a shy hand.

He quickly tells the landline number to Taehyung so he can safe it in his phone.

"Well, I guess I'll go back home then, I just wanted to stop ny shortly," Taehyung says but halts in his steps. Jungkook frowns slightly at him. Did he do something to make him stop?

Taehyung turns around with determinded eyes and walks closer to Jungkook. By instinct, Jungkook starts walking back until he's against the wall, looking down at his beautiful mate.

Taehyung just smiles and leans in closer.

Jungkook swears his heart stops as Taehyung's soft puffy lips gently presses against his warm cheek. It sends waves of pleasure through his body and his wolf is honestly close to passing out. Taehyung's scent is filling up the entire air as he stands closer than ever in order to reach Jungkook's cheek.

When he pulls back, his mouth is stretched into an amazing smile once again and he let's go of Jungkook completely.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he says before turning on his heals and leaving the café with flustered cheeks.

Jungkook is standing like a statue against the wall, not having the mind to actually move his body. Holy shit. He has never, as in never, had a person that close to him aside from Jin.

Oh my God. That felt like heaven. He can still feel the tingles of the kiss on his cheek, the scent of Taehyung still filling up his mind.

While he's lost with love his wolf is just getting aroused. Horny ass.

Suddenly, the door to the café opens and Jin comes back inside. He chuckles at Jungkook's state and gives him a small smirk. He left them in here in hope of forcing them to get even closer. Seems like it worked.

"What did he do?" Jin asks.

"H-He- I... w-why did h-he..."

"Calm down now, it's not a hard questions," Jin jokes and waits for Jungkook to calm down.

"He kissed me on the cheek!" Jungkook cries out, "I'm gonna die. No wait, pass out-"

"Relax, you're okay, aren't you happy?" Jin questions at his freaked out son. He's adorable.

Jungkook gulps before biting his lip. He nods slightly as his cheeks again get warm. He's heart is on fire and his wolf has never been happier, it was like paradise just dumped down on top of his head.

Jin laughts and pulls his son in for a hug, "I'm so happy for you!"

Jungkook immedietly hugs back, lifting his father slightly in moment with it.

"H-He even gave me his number. Dad, I can't call him," Jungkook states after he has put the other down.

"Then let him call you, and just be yourself! He's your mate, you're meant for each other," Jin smiles. Jungkook nods hesitantly at that. Guess he'll just have to get it together and wait for Taehyung to call him some day.

The two of them heads upstairs in order to get some food.


It's the day after and Jungkook didn't see Taehyung at school today. It appears that the elder only has one lesson, so he skipped again so he could help in the kindergarden.

And now, Jungkook has been staring and jumping around the phone for the past 30 seconds because Taehyung has been calling it.

Should he pick up? Oh no, what if it gets too awkward? What if he says something stupid and Taehyung just hangs up on him?

After another minute of debating if he really should pick up, he gets the guts to grab the phone and return the call. Taehyung seems to have been patient with him, not ending the call for over two minutes.

"H-Hello," Jungkook says timidly and holds the phone as if a hand is going to emerge from it and punch him in the face.

"Hey Jungkook," Taehyung greets back. His voice is different than normally, but not in a bad way. It has this more calm, raspy tone to it, indicading that the elder is either tired or just woke up from a long nap.

"How are you?" he adds and Jungkook shyly replies with an 'I'm fine' before asking Taehyung the same question.

The conversation goes on like that. Calmly and relaxed. Jungkook even ends up sitting down and leaning against the wall to relax. Taehyung's voice calms him down unnaturally much. Still, it's an amazing feeling.

Jungkook is actually finding this way easier than speaking face to face. He doesn't flinch and he doesn't feel the need to run away all the time. He just... listens.

It's almost night when they end the call and Jin comes up from the stairs. Jungkook was more than happy he had this conversation with Taehyung. Something they'll be doing a lot more from now on.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now