Chapter 22

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Jungkook looks at the paper that has been attached to the wall, showing how the dorms will be devided when they go to Busan.

It seems that Jimin went through with his idea and got them a room together.

A room with just the five of them. Jungkook is conflicted whether he should be glad or freaking out. If he even gets to go, he has to sleep in the same room as Taehyung? His wolf won't let him rest for a second.

Jungkook bites his lip as he turns away from the note and starts walking down the hall. There's only a few days until they have to go, he has to convince Jin before that. Doing that might be more of a challenge.

Jungkook heads outside of school and sees his so called friends around the familiar table. Over the last few weeks they have been sitting together with Jungkook every day.

It has been absolutely amazing but also difficult for the true-blood. He can't believe he actually have friends... or something close to it at least. He has been alone for so many years and now, he isn't anymore. It's a big step for him and it's hard to get used to. It takes up a lot of his energy, but in a good way.

He's happier than ever, that's why he really, really wants to go on the trip to Busan.

The day goes on rather slowly, not much happened to Jungkook aside from a few pushes from Suho and some extra assignments in different classes.

He's doing well in school, he always has. Therefore, homework and assignments isn't much of a struggle for him. Usually, he has more than enough time to make it, but now he has been spending a lot of time with the others, so he's more stressed lately.

He doesn't mind though. It's totally worth being stressed for.

Jungkook heads straight home after school today, having to help Jin in the café. The elder has been taking care of the small shop as much as possible just for Jungkook to have more free time. He's finally socializing, so he needs time to do that even more.

Jungkook has been feeling slightly guilty about that though. The thought of Jin working hours and hours on end without his help pains his heart, so he has made sure to take a few shifts at least.

The raven-haired boy hurries inside and grabs his apron. He ties it around his surprisingly slender waist and walks to the café. Jin is currently taking an order and he just silently greets Jungkook with his eyes as the younger heads inside the kitchen.

There are some cakes in the oven and a few are already placed on the table. Jungkook starts decorating them as he usually does, having nothing but the trip on his mind.

He tries forming some sentences in his head that he'll try to persuade Jin with. Easier said than done.

After about an hour, Jin steps into the kitchen. He quickly goes to the sink to clean up his hands, seems like the rush has died down just a little. Jungkook stands straight and gently taps Jin on the shoulder.

"Dad... there's something I want to ask," he starts and Jin turns to look at him. He gives his son a confused glanze and waits for him to say something.

"What is it?"

"Well... y-you know that trip? The one I talked about some time back, to Busan?" he asks timidly.

Jin folds his arms over his chest, already looking sceptical,"yes?"

"Uhm... I kind of... want to go?" he almost whispers. He really do, when Taehyung's there it can only be amazing!

Jin blinks a few times before he shakes lightly on his head. He's glad Jungkook is socializing more, but going to Busan won't be safe. If he shifts unintended, it will without a doubt end with disaster. Plus, Jin doesn't want to be so far away. He can't just go and get Jungkook out of trouble if gets in any. It's not that easy.

"Jungkook, we talked about this," he reasons. Jungkook nods slightly and scratches his neck.

"It's just... my uhm... friends are going, and I really want to be with them," he says. That's probably the first time he has ever said that word out loud. Friends.

"I know Jungkook, but you need to remember who you are. Busan is filled with humans, you could hurt someone," Jin argues.

"That's the thing, Taehyung will be there. He calmed me down last time, he'll do it again," Jungkook replies. He can feel how the tension is slowly growing. He doesn't want to get into an argument.

"He isn't going to be by your side all the time Jungkook, you can't rely on that."

"But he wants me to go..." Jungkook says, his eyes seeking for the floor. It isn't often he talks back to Jin. Usually, they aren't even fighting against each other, they agree on almost everything.

"I know he does and I'm so glad that's the case, but you can't be selfish about this. I wish I could tell you differently Jungkook, but it's just too dangerous," Jin says and hears the bell to the café ring.


"End of discussion, you're not going," Jin looks him deep in the eyes. There's no hatred or anything, he's just worried. Still, Jungkook can't help but get a sulking look on his face.

Jin kisses his cheek before he goes back out of the kitchen.

The raven-haired male sighs and leans against the kitchen table. His hands hold on the edge as he let's his head hang low and his eyes running over his shoes. He really, really wants to go... he has no idea how he's going to explain this to Taehyung.


Jungkook holds the landline against his ear, happy to hear Taehyung voice again. They agreed to call each other again tonight, Taehyung quickly starting the conversation by explaining how the kids in the kindergarden are the most adorable creatures ever.

Jungkook just fondly listens and replies once in a while. He's glad he doesn't have to do the talking much.

His heart does start beating faster for every minute though. He has to tell Taehyung that he can't go in the weekend. He knows the elder will probably be understanding, still he'll without a doubt be sad. Maybe he'll think Jungkook is uncool? Well... he kind of is, so it could be worse.

"Have you packed your stuff yet?" Taehyung asks, giving Jungkook the perfect opportunity to tell the bad news. Jungkook didn't expect it so suddenly though, so his mouth immediately starts struggling to form words.

"Well... actually I-..."

"Actually what?" Taehyung asks, "it's going to be so amazing Jungkook. We can even get to know each other better."

Ugh. Does he have to say it like that.

Jungkook smiles slightly. It really does sound amazing. Maybe... maybe he can get around Jin?

The mare thought of going against Jin makes Jungkook feel horrible about himself. But it might be the only way.

"I haven't packed yet, but I will," Jungkook states. There's only two days until they have to go, so he has to hurry and think of an escape plan.

"Alphas are so lazy."

"Omegas are not?" Jungkook asks, honestly curious. Taehyung just giggles slightly at how clueless the other is, it's adorable.

"Depends on what omega. For Alphas, it's everyone," Taehyung says and Jungkook giggles a little.

They keep talking for a long time before both of them have to eat dinner. Their small call-sessions have really made their bond even better, they talk easier now.

Jungkook ends up going to bed right after dinner, no conversation between him and Jin. His mind wonders by itself, trying to figure how on earth he can do this without hurting anyones feelings.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now