Chapter 37

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Jungkook stood by the end of the locker which he has done so many times before. Often, it has been to hide from Suho or something close to it, but right now it's to spy on Taehyung.

Not in a creepy way, more in a we-kissed-and-I'm-embarrassed type of way.

Jungkook has been on a cloud since their date a few days ago, but now he's once again getting totally blinded by the fact that he got so close to his mate. How are you supposed to start a  conversation after that!?

Taehyung is probably going to be calm and smooth as he usually is, but Jungkook can already feel himself shaking with nerves.

However, he is determined on not messing up this chance. They have made it so far, he's not going to be the reason why they have to start all over again. He'll fight himself for real this time.

With a deep breath and a mental slap to himself, Jungkook leaves his hiding spot and starts walking over towards his mate. Taehyung seems to have smelled him and turns with a bright smile. Their eyes meet and Jungkook honestly wants to bury himself into a hole, his entire face must be on fire with embarrassment. Still, he continues over there and shyly fiddles with his hands. He can't look up at Taehyung, so he just finds a lonely spot on the floor and stares at it. 

  "Hi Jungkook," Taehyung gently says. He smiles as he sees the other's shy state and he reaches forward and gently lifts Jungkook's chin.

"H-Hi," Jungkook replies and gulps slightly. Taehyung's hand slowly rests on his cheek as usual and he moves his thumb gently. Then he does something that makes Jungkook's entire being pause, he leans up and gently pecks the younger's lips. It's nothing more than a small kiss, but it still makes both of them shutter in satisfaction from their bond.

Jungkook.exe has stopped working.

"Thanks for last time, it's good to see you again," Taehyung states as he pulls back.

"Y-Yeah, you too," Jungkook says and he can't help but smile brightly as his cheeks turn even darker red. It almost feel like they are a real couple!

Wait, what are they exactly? Sure, they are mates, but can they really call each other boyfriends now? No, no, too soon. Jungkook shakes his head to get rid of the thoughts and looks back at the other.

"I-I was wondering if you were free after school? The café is closed today because my father has to visit some friends... so he suggested we could use the kitchen to maybe bake something? O-Only if you have time of course, it can also wait-"

"That sounds great Jungkook," Taehyung cuts of the other's nervous ramble and he giggles slightly when Jungkook's eyes start shining with excitement. He can almost tell Jeon is wagging his tail like crazy. 

"We can meet up outside after last period, I have my car today so I can drive us back to the café," he adds.

"O-Okay," Jungkook smiles and he's just about to ask another question when suddenly a door not far from them is smacked open. 

There aren't many students in the hall at the moment, but the few that are there all get startled and look over at the source of sound in confusion. A fuming Yoongi hurries out of the room, ripping himself out of the grip Jimin was having on his arm. 

"Fuck off!" he yells and pushes Jimin away so the boy stumbles and hits the wall with a hiss. 


"No, I fucking get it! I can take a damn hint!"

"Y-Yoongi wait! Let's talk it out!" Jimin yells after him and helplessly tries to follow the other, but Yoongi just gives him the fuck-finger before he starts running towards the exit. He runs past Taehyung and Jungkook who are both totally shocked, but he doesn't pay them any mind. He doesn't pay anything or anyone any mind, he just needs to get out of there.

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