Chapter 24

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Jungkook sighs as he sits down in the bus seat. He ran all the way to school, almost not making it on the ride. Luckily, Namjoon held the door for him.

Jungkook is also seated next to the elder male, considering the others had already gotten their seats. Jungkook just waved at Taehyung and the others that were in the back of the bus. They had all happily waved back aside from Yoongi who only gave him a head nod. Taehyung sits beside the grumpy elder where Jimin and Hoseok sit beside each other in front of them.

It's isn't the longest trip so they aren't going to sleep on the way. Therefore, Jungkook doesn't mind sitting next to their principal, who agreed to join them to Busan. He's nice and he doesn't talk much, Jungkook likes that.

The boy also wants to keep his head to himself for a while. He has a lot to think about after all. He places his bag with his things and his skateboard before his feet as the bus starts moving.

The board gives him a tuck in his heart and he gulps deeply. He's so frustrated about what he did to Jin. It wasn't okay and it was even worse Jungkook just fleeted the place after that.

He spend almost an hour on debating whether he should head back or not, that's why he was almost late.

He chose to go, both because he really wants to, but also because he doesn't think he can look Jin in the eyes right now. Jungkook broke his trust.

The raven wonders how he's going to fix this mess once he gets back to Seoul by Sunday evening. He has some days to figure that out.

Not to mention, he's not going to let this go to waste. He's going to have an amazing time.


"Did you have a good trip?" Taehyung asks with a smile as he grabs his luggage together with Jungkook. The younger blushes simply from having Taehyung so close to him. He loves the feeling, but it shocks him everytime.

"I-It's was okay. How about you?" No. It was not okay. To be honest, it was horrible. His heart and mind was hurting about what he did to Jin, knowing that the elder is sitting at home right now, not being able to do anything aside from being worried. He can't affort to take the train to Busan so suddenly, Jungkook was only able to pay for this trip because he has some extra money and he knew it some weeks before.

To clearify, he has literually locked Jin away to go on this trip. If that doesn't make him feel horrible, nothing ever will.

"Fine, Jimin was snoring on the way thought, so annoying," the elder sighs as they start making their way towards the small motel.

Jungkook can already smell the humans filling up the city. A few are walking along the road but not paying the wolves any mind. Humans and wolves have been traveling between their cities for years, no one thinks about it anymore. Not to mention that humans have no idea who is werewolves or not. Only sometimes fights arrupts because humans doesn't want to admit they are weaker than wolves.

Jeon is immedietly confronted with the unfamiliar smell of human and he gets unnaturally uneasy. It's in his genes that humans are his enemy (which they used to be), therefore he wants to get out and hide or at least protect himself. Not to mention he now has Taehyung to worry about.

That's right, they are each others mates so they will always think about how to keep the other safe.

When Jungkook thinks about it, he gets overly happy. But when he thinks deeper about it, he doesn't know very much about Taehyung. Would he even want to be protected? Most omegas these days want to be independed.

Jungkook hopes this trip will clear up some things for him and Taehyung. He wants to learn everything about the other. His favorite food, his favorite tv show and even his worst struggles. They talked about some things over the phone, but Jungkook never asked a lot. He should do that from now on.

They make their way inside and gets split up in the dorms. The rooms have six beds and there are around 20 rooms on each floor. Jungkook and company ended on the second floor.

"Well hello neighbors, this is going to be fun~" and of course, Suho and his stupid crew had to be on this floor too. Talk about 'coincidence.'

Jungkook hurried inside their room, Taehyung pointed his tongue and Jimin straight up growled before they followed the other inside. The pure-blood sighs as he sits down on the bed he chose. Taehyung is sleeping above him.

"Don't let them get to you, they're assholes," Jimin mutters. After the cafeteria incident, Suho has been totally cancelled by the small group of five.

It's impressive that Suho isn't scared, at least he acts like standing face to face with a true-blood that wants to kill him isn't a big deal. He's mental. 

"That's true, honestly just a waste of time... I don't understand why they are after you so much," Hoseok says. He has crawled up in the top bunk so he's lying above Jimin, Yoongi is in the bed beside the omega.

"T-They just want power. I don't know why they want it though, it sucks to be honest," Jungkook states with a small chuckle. If there's anyone who knows how it feels to be powerful, it's him. Hoseok too, but at least he only has the good sides of the alpha gene, he isn't arrogant.

The others laugh a little at that but Yoongi just looks at Jungkook with a lingering gaze. The younger immedietly feels uncomfortable under the other's eyes. Yoongi is scary somehow, even though he's only a beta. 

"How is it... being a true-blood?" he then asks and everyone goes silent. It has honestly been on everyone's mind, but no one have gotten to the point of asking. Taehyung has joked around the subject whenever he and Jungkook have been talking on the phone but never really gotten to a clear point.

The blue-haired male sits down on the bed next to Jungkook seeing how he tenses as usual. It's kind of cute but... Taehyung is starting to get a little frustrated by it.

Jungkook gulps and looks at Yoongi, seeing that he's deadly serious. 

"Well, it's frustrating. My wolf is strong, so he has a mind of his own, a stubborn one at that. I know that most people are scared of me without even knowing me, but that's just something you got to live with as a true-blood," Jungkook begins calmly, "all true-bloods have a hard birth, so we often get sick somehow. I was lucky, I'm only dealing with aspergers even though that's hard enough to begin with. Other wolves might have body malfunctions."

The others listen with curiosity. They have read a little about true-bloods in history, but it's a topic most schools have decided to forget about. Therefore, listening to an actual one is something speciel.

"With the society we live in, it will never be easy for someone like me to live a peaceful life. People either hate me or are scared of me. But I get it, I would be scared too..." Jungkook confirms, "my wolf is dangerous and I don't even know his full potential yet."

"Full potential? What do you mean by that?" Jimin questions from the side.

"My communication with my wolf isn't like yours. My wolf can take over by himself, even if I hold him back with my psyche almost 24/7. Yours only comes out forcefully doing heats, ruts or when you ask them too. On the other hand, your partnership with your wolf makes you stronger, they won't harm you in any way. My wolf only stops himself from harming me because he knows it will hit him too at some point. It doesn't stop him from giving me a chronic headache though," Jungkook states.

He's almost exhausted from speaking so much, it isn't like him. But he feels comfortable around these guys, making it almost... comfortable for him to talk.

"So you have to concentrate 24/7?? Boy, I could never," Jimin says and falls back on his bed. 

"Same, sounds... horrible to be honest," Taehyung states and Jungkook simply nods at that. They talk a little more where Jungkook explains what kind of pain he feels and if he's stronger as human has well. After some games of arm-wrestling, they concluded that he is indeed stronger in all ways.

"Dinner is in 10 minutes, we should probably head down," Taehyung says after and hour or so where they have talked and unpacked all their stuff.

The others agree and join him, excited for what this trip is going to bring.

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