Chapter 60

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Jungkook takes in a deep breath when he lands on the ground after recieving a kick to his stomach. It seems like he has become the center of attention in the cafeteria because everyone in here know they have to run for their life if he shifts.

Hoseok and Yoongi have jumped up in order to run into action, but Jungkook has anxiously shaken his head at them. He can't let anyone get hurt because of this, not when he knows the solution is on the way.

"You really think you are worth something, huh? Imagine thinking you deserve to have a mate, pathetic!" this time, the kick is send right into Jungkook's face and he whimpers slightly in pain.

The only thing running around his mind is annoyance. This is getting old already, doesn't Suho have anything better to do in life than be an asshole towards everyone else? Apparently not.

Jeon keeps telling Jungkook to just beat Suho up, but that will just make Jungkook as big an asshole as Suho is. No matter how much his wolf loves it, violance is never the answer. Although this is Jungkook's mindset, it won't hurt too bad to perform a little self-defence, right?

When another kick is sent his way from one of Suho's friends, the pure-blood reacts quickly and brings in a counter attack. He dodges the alpha's leg and gets a hold underneath it, pushing his arm forward so the boy is sent flying and lands on his back with a yelp.

For Jungkook, it was like holding a feather. It's insane how strong he is, he has barely realized it before now though. He has always known he was surprior in qhysical strength, but now he knows how to control it and how to feel it. It makes him even more dangerous.

"The fuck?" Suho looks at his friend and then back at the raven, "you're so fucking dead!"

The entire cafeteria gasps and some people even start filming the whole battle that has broken out between the two enemies. Suho jumps ahead and tries to get a hold around Jungkook's neck or hair, but the pure-blood is too fast and he plants his hands on Suho's chest, pushing him back with so much force he for a second thought he broke the other's rips.

But Suho seems to have healed quickly and he only uses a second to collect himself before he attacks again.

This time, he goes for Jungkook's legs, seeing that the best option he has is to get the raven down on the ground. Suho knows he's weaker, he would never admit it, but he isn't stupid. What gives him the upper hand though is the fact that he's aware Jungkook won't injure him enough to make him unable to fight. It would get the raven in trouble and Suho knows he's too much of a pussy to live with the consequences.

He gets a solid kick in, but Jungkook is fast to get a hold of the back of his shirt and literally yeet him towards the other side of the cafeteria. This gets Suho's minions going and they all jump at Jungkook at the same time. To everyone's surprise and even his own, Jungkook gets them all either pushed down and flung away from him without giving them any form of critical damage.

Jungkook has taken a lot of hits so his stamina is running out, but he doesn't let it show. His wounds are healing fast and he's connecting with Jeon so he can keep focus on healing them instead of shifting.

"You have a fucking death wish!" Suho yells and rushes forward.

This guy is clearly suicidal himself with all the times he has tried to get the true-blood mad.

Jungkook gets under a second strike from the alphas and once again he somehow gets them pushed away from him, however this time his body is falling forwards and some blood runs from one of his eyebrows. These assholes know how to throw a punch and it is not doing any good for Jungkook's body. He might be a true-blood but he's only a kid and there's a limit to how many hits he can take.

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