Chapter 61

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Can you see the chapter now? W*ttpad is being annoying...

Anyway ~

Last chapter you guys... excuse me while I go and bawl my eyes out *sobs*

Graduation. It's a day in Jungkook's life he thought he would be celebrating at home with his father, making it as special as they possibly could with their limited life. However, it turned out to be the complete opposite of that.

It has been three months since Chanyeol rejected Suho and traveled back home to make a new life for himself. Jungkook and Taehyung were there to wish him goodbye and they all agreed to meeting someday later in their life, glad to have made a new friend.

For Taehyung and Jungkook, these months have been amazing. They have now finished school and have to start thinking about their futures. During this time, they have been living alternately between Jin's house and Taehyung's house. The two mates are inseparable and they have gotten further and further with their relationship during this time.

They make each other stronger, but there's still some clear traits that will never change, nonetheless they love each other for it.

On the intimate front... Jungkook has become... quite confident in Taehyung's opinion. There was a whole week where he couldn't go to bed without getting pounded into the sheets for at least an hour and he's still a little surprised of how well he's keeping up with it. Maybe the moon godness chose a strong omega for Jungkook for that specific reason. Taehyung doesn't mind it at all, he can't even express how happy he is to have been blessed with such an amazing mate.

However, Jungkook's extreme amont of energy has forced them to the need of having sex all the time and that didn't go easily every time. Jin even walked in on them once and Jungkook was debating whether to kill himself or not. Luckily, Jin was pretty chill and joked around with it a lot. It was bound to happen at some point anyway.

"You got the basket?" Jin asks as he steps outside the bus that has driven him and Jungkook to the younger's school.

"Yeah," Jungkook says and follows behind the elder. What's different from his imagination of this day is that he will be spending it at school with not only his father, but also his friends and mate. Some people that has suddenly appeared in his life in the mare time-span of a year. To say he's excited is an understatement.

He skips along with his father, not being able to contain his energy. They decided to have kind of a picnic at school because of the good weather, like most of the other students, and then recieve their diplomas.

Jungkook is also excited to get away from this school. Aside from being the place where he has met some of the most important people in his life, this school is also the cause of years of suffering and struggles. Therefore, it's going to be a relief to get out of here. Suho luckily moved to another city after the whole Chanyeol situation and Jungkook believes they will never see each other again.

Jungkook is grateful to no longer have that boy in his life, but he still wishes happiness for the other. He wishes happiness for everyone.

"Calm down, you'll get tired before we even get there," Jin chuckles as he observes his overexcited son.

"I can't," Jungkook mumbles and keeps jumping along. He's excited to see his friends and see Taehyung... mostly his mate because this is a special time for them. They now have to figure out what they want to do with their life, they have already been looking for apartments around the country for a future move.

Jungkook and Jin make their way through the halls, watching other students hug their family members and friends to celebrate that they are finally done. Jungkook's class has to get their diplomas in about 30 minutes, so they have plenty of time to find the others first. Taehyung and their friends' class have already finished and therefore they are simply waiting for Jungkook and Jin to join them.

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