Chapter 40

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I wonder what pixelgirl13 is doing right now💀


The two boys who are still in a rather intimate position stare in the direction of the door, some of the cream falling from Taehyung's hair is the only sound in the room as it falls against the table. 

"And what's this mess!? I can't leave for one day without this happening," Jin sighs and looks around at his kitchen that's totally ruined. Well, it's not something a little cleaning up can't fix.

"S-Sorry dad... I didn't think you would come home this early," Jungkook stutters as he gently grabs Taehyung's hips and lifts the elder down from the table. Taehyung just giggles slightly and also throws out an apology to his mate's father who's looking around helplessly. 

"You better clean this up, I'm gonna make dinner meanwhile," Jin says and turns to walk out, but before that he looks back and points at them, "and save that for the bedroom. Remember a condom, okay?" he blows them a kiss and Jungkook honestly almost fainted in embarrassment. 

Taehyung just gapes a little before getting into a fit of laughter, his cheeks tinting a little red too. Just the mare thought of taking it that far with Jungkook makes something in his body heat up. The two of them shyly look away from each other as they stand in the messy room. Taehyung is the first to regroup and he starts picking up all of the stuff they have thrown around. Jungkook takes the cake and puts it in the fridge before collecting a mop and some hot water. This is going to take a while.

They get to work and mostly keeps quiet, only sparing each other a few glances once in a while. It's not awkward it's just amusingly tense. Both of them really want to get back at what they were doing before Jin arrived, but they will probably have to wait for another time so they won't embarrass themselves again.

After about an hour or two, Jin comes back down and is happy to see the kitchen almost looking like itself and no kissing boys on his counter.  What a relief. Still, he's happy to see that his son and Taehyung are starting to get closer, honestly, Jin never thought he would see Jungkook kiss anyone, ever. 

So, he's happy. However, did they really have to make such a mess? He can do nothing but fondly shake his head at that.

"Dinner is ready, Taehyung are you staying over?" he asks, catching the attention of the two boys who stop cleaning to catch their breath.

"I wish I could, but I have to help my mom this evening... I have to go home," he states. Jungkook looks at him with longing eyes, he wants to spend every minute of the day with Taehyung, even if he knows they are going to see each other already tomorrow. Impressive how he went from being overly frightened to be in a radius of 3 meters of Taehyung to wanting to be close to him more than anything in the world. It's still a bit challenging, but now he enjoys it way more.

"That's fine, you can come any other day you want," Jin states with a smile before disappearing again, probably to start portioning the food for him and Jungkook. Taehyung gently takes off the cute apron and folds it, he places it on the counter before he looks over at Jungkook. 

"Thanks for today, it was really amazing," he smiles and walks around the table to get closer to the younger. Jungkook quickly nods in agreement and lets the elder wrap his arms around his neck.

"W-Want to do it again?" Jungkook hesitantly questions. 

"Of course," Taehyung replies and pecks his lips, "maybe you can actually teach me how to cook well?"

Jungkook giggles and nods again. Cooking is a huge part of his life so he's overly excited to know that Taehyung is taking an interest in it, even if he has no idea how to do the said task well. They kiss each other a little more before Taehyung has to leave. He waves goodbye through the store window, Jungkook returns it gently and watches Taehyung disappear from his sight.

He looks back when he hears a clear of throat and sees Jin leaning against the doorframe, observing him with a smile. 

"Come on lover-boy, the food will get cold."


Hoseok is tapping his foot against the floor subconsciously, his eyes staring into the distance as if his mind is in a totally different world. His friends that are sitting around him are giving him rather worried looks. They understand why Hoseok is restless, but it's starting to get really permanent these days.

Jimin gently places a hand on the boy's leg so it stops bouncing. In confusion, Hoseok looks down at Jimin and smiles slightly when he sees his mate's worried eyes. "Don't look at me like that, I'm fine just... impatient," he says.

Jimin nods and turns back towards his food, trying not to seem too obvious. He's sad. Extremely sad. Yoongi hasn't been home for 5 days and it's starting to tear up the two mates. They understand that he needs some time, but they haven't talked since the accident and it's eating them up that they can't talk it out with him.

However, this has given Jimin the perfect time to really talk talk with Hosoek and he has slowly convinced the elder that maybe it is indeed them who are in the wrong. He was just so mad at Yoongi back then for overreacting that he couldn't see what they did was indeed terrible. So now he's just even more eager to see Yoongi again, but it's like the boy disappeared from the surface of earth. 

"He will be back soon, I'm certain," Taehyung tries to assure them even though he actually doesn't have any idea where or when Yoongi will be back. He has been trying to stay positive for the boys and it has worked in some cases, they are trying to look past the pain in their chests.

For Jungkook and Taehyung however, everything is going very well. It has become a tradition for them that they spend their time together after school when they don't have work to take care of. If it's cooking sessions, drawing lessons, or make-out sessions, they are enjoying their time together a lot. Still, it's hard for them to take it any further than that at the moment, so they are just enjoying what they have right now.

The bell rings, indicating the final lesson is about to begin. Jungkook and Taehyung both have work today, Taehyung will be at the kindergarten and Jungkook has to run out with deliveries, so they can't be together today. 

They make sure to give each other a peck before going in separate directions, not minding the calls from Suho who exclaims that they are disgusting and fit well together because they are both whores who suck too much dick. Well, it's getting pretty old... after Jin went to the school and literally scolded Namjoon, Suho has been keeping a fair distance. He probably got a good lecture from the principal so he will think twice before getting in Jungkook's way again. That's good because Jungkook is convinced he won't be able to hold himself back the next time Suho pisses him off. 

"See you tomorrow," Taehyung smiles before leaving for class. Jungkook says the same in return and heads towards the science building.

His heart is beating fast and he can't help the huge grin that's plastered over his face. He has never felt this amazing in his life, it's something he wishes that will never change. 


Who's your bias, if you have one?💜

If you haven't read my other books... can you guess who mine is?😏

Thanks for reading! And I just want to say thanks for 700+ followers and so much love for this book! I will keep working hard on it, I purple you!<33333

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