Chapter 38

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Sorry for the late update! I have been working a lot over the weekend so I didn't have time to write but finally, I could get it done! Thanks for reading so far, I purple you all so much!💜

Sorry for the late update! I have been working a lot over the weekend so I didn't have time to write but finally, I could get it done! Thanks for reading so far, I purple you all so much!💜

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Jungkook takes a deep breath as he leans over his knees. He lost sight of Yoongi so he had to run around the entire city to try and find him. Luckily, his pure-blood senses are heightened so he could smell the elder male from afar when he really concentrated on it.

So now, he's catching his breath by the entrance of one of the parks they have located around the city. He hasn't been here much, but there isn't really much to see anyway. Yoongi is sitting in front of the small lake, staring out at the water with his legs dragged to his chest.

Jungkook never took Yoongi as the type to get sentimental and have a need to be outside when sad. He honestly thought the elder was going to find a bar and get deadly drunk. However, it seems like there's still a lot of things Jungkook doesn't know about his friends just yet.

He looks at Yoongi's back, the elder can probably smell him already. Still, Jungkook hesitates. He has always had an emotionally unstable side, but that doesn't mean he's suddenly super talented at talking about feelings.

However, he did run after the elder for a reason. He used to notice the lacking interaction between Yoongi and his mates, somehow they just seemed closer with each other than they did with him. But that's probably not unusual in a relationship with three people.

After a minute of pacing back and forth, Jungkook gets it together and walks over the blooming grass. When he reaches the other, he sits down next to him gently. Yoongi doesn't really acknowledge Jungkook, he just grunts slightly and pulls his knees closer to himself. He doesn't want anyone's pity.

"H-Hi..." Jungkook starts timidly. His voice cracks a little and he already knows he tackled this situation terribly. Damn, he sucks.

"Yo..." Yoongi replies tiredly.

Jungkook is glad the other even responded to him in the first place, but what is he supposed to do now? Maybe it wasn't so thought out of him to run after Yoongi. He probably wanted to be alone.

After a few minutes, he clears his throat and awkwardly looks at the elder.

"So... do you want to talk about it? W-Whatever happened...?" and the price for the most awkward person on the planet goes to no other than the all-mighty Jeon Jungkook.

Yoongi looks at Jungkook for a second as if he sprawled another head or something. Then he lets out a breath and playfully shakes his head.

"You're not a big talker, are you?" he chuckles, "we are a lot alike," he looks back over the calm water, it's truly relaxing to sit out here. Jungkook bites his lip while nodding, feeling his cheeks getting a little warm in embarrassment.

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