Chapter 11

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Jungkook grunts as he feels another kick to his gut. He got conored by Suho and his pathetic pet-sheep.

"No matter where I go, I can smell your dirty ass all over the place," Suho spits and grabs Jungkook's collar.

He lifts him up, even though he's struggling a little from Jungkook abnormally heavy body. He pushes him up against the wall behind them so hard that the air leaves Jungkook's lungs for a second.

"Why can't you just die? No one wants you here!" he adds and basically throws Jungkook back on the floor.

He groans as he hits the cold surface, feeling his head throb even more than his brushed body.

"See you later, bastard" Suho's final remark sounds before they turn and leave Jungkook on the ground.

The said male hasn't uttered a word. It's morning and he couldn't even get to class before he was caught in the claws of the school's lover-boy once again.

It's getting boring. It's just Suho and his gang stopping him in the hallway and beating him. Not to mention the lame insults.

Jungkook can't run from the fact that they hurt in his fragile heart, but that doesn't make it less boring. It's like it's a part of his everyday life now.

He sighs as he tiredly stands up. Jeon is freaking out in the back of his head as usual, spending way to much energy on being mad instead of healing faster. Even so, it only takes a few minutes for Jungkook to be fully healed... it doesn't make him look any better though.

His hair is tiredly resting over his forehead, his eyes are barely staying open and his clothes reeks. So charming.

He starts heading his way towards class, ignoring everyone around him. That doesn't take very long though when he smells the familier scent of his mate.

Over the last few weeks, he has grown used to having Taehyung pretty close to him. It's still painful as hell, but now he has learned to enjoy the feeling of his mate close to him.

This time though, his heart and wolf isn't very pleased. Taehyung is standing by the end of the hallway, looking beautiful as ever. He's not wearing his glasses today and his hair is put up rather nicely.

Maybe that's why Suho is currently talking to him.

Jungkook can't ignore the arching feeling of jealousy in his chest. He has to qhysically bite his lip in order to hold back a possessive growl.

Why are they speaking together? Jungkook hasn't seen them interact with each other all this time. Maybe Suho found out about their mate bond?

Taehyung laughs at something the alpha male says, his teeth getting displayed nicely.

Who wouldn't stop to talk with that angel though?

Jungkook wants to run over there and take him away, but he can't. It would either get him beaten up or hated. He wants none of that.

With a lingering gaze, he watches the two males walk further down the hall before splitting up at the end. Jungkook hates the fact that he has to follow Suho and not Taehyung to get to class.


Jungkook is looking at the oven like he has done a billion times before. The bread inside is slowly growing bigger, as Jungkook sits on a chair, resting his chin on his hand.

He let's out a tired puf of air, blinking his eyes. There hasn't been a lot of customers today and Jin is taking care of the few that are actually looking for a snack before dinner.

He gets lost in looking at the treats again before the door to the kitchen opens. This causes Jungkook to smell his mate for the second time today, making him look up at his father.

"Same as yesterday, are there any muffins ready in here?" Jin asks with a tilted smile. Jungkook immediately stands up and struggles a little to answer.

"T-There will be... in a moment," Jungkook states and Jin chuckles lightly.

He gives his son a pad on the shoulder before heading back out in the Cafe. They are past the rush hours, so there aren't many people aside from Taehyung in here.

"How long are you staying today?" Jin questions as he places a glass of water on the boy's table. It's always very different how long Taehyung stays, making Jin curious about what he does in his free time.

"No for long, I have work tonight," the blue-haired male replies with a smile. He closes his school book, Jin being his excuse for giving up on homework.

"Oh really? Where do you work?" Jin asks. Immediately, Taehyung smiles just by the thought of his job. He has been there for a few weeks now and he's absolutely loving it, it's the perfect job for him.

"A kindergarten! All the kids are so cute," he says with dreamy eyes. He knows Jin will agree with him, considering he's an omega too.

"That's great Tae, I'll go hurry on Jungkook so you won't have to stay for too long," Jin replies and earns a nod from Taehyung. He heads back towards the kitchen and opens the door.

He can't help but smile at the sight that meets him. Jungkook is leaning over the table where there's a cupcake resting. It's the one Taehyung requested, yet it's very different from the last one he got.

Jungkook is having his tongue between his lips, deeply concentrating on painting the cupcake with cream. The decorations on the cake are way more detailed than usual, different colors and motives are giving it a beautiful outside.

Jungkook has never, as mentioned, put much effort into this cake, but that has clearly changed.

He finishes his last line and pulls back with a satisfied smile on his face. Jin walks over to him and gives him a side hug as they studies the piece of art.

"It's amazing Jungkook," Jin states. Jungkook blushes and nods hesitantly. He's a little embarrassed about how obvious it is that he wants to impress Taehyung.

"How about you bring it to him?" Jin encourages, but Jungkook immediately gets a pale look on his face as he shakes his head.

"N-No way..."

"Come on, you don't even have to talk to him," Jin chuckles but Jungkook still denies the offer. The elder just shakes his head and grabs the cake. Guess the next step is to get Jungkook in a range of 2 meters of Taehyung without freaking out.

It still warms the elder man's heart though, seeing his son having such interest for something that's not his random Skateboard.

He brings the cupcake to Taehyung and the boy immediately questions the change of design.

"Jungkook loves art, his sense of creativity is just outstanding. But, he only goes this much into detail when it's something or someone he cares deeply about," Jin explains cheesily. He loves the warm blush that immediately appears on Taehyung cheeks before he looks down at the cake with a fond gaze.

After a second of shock, his lips tug up into a smile.

"I'm so happy," he says. Jin claps his shoulders a few times.

"It won't be long before you guys can get together, I'm certain of it!" Jin states.

They talk a little more before Taehyung has to leave for work, of course first when he's done eating the cake. Apparently, the kindergarten isn't far from here, so he isn't in much of a rush when he walks out of the small Cafe.

With a content smile and and hand over his chest that's beating unnaturally fast, he makes his way down the street.


The slowburn is on another level, sorry if it's boring 😂💜

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now