Chapter 55

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Double update <3

"Ugh so close! I can seriously feel it now, I'm almost there," Chanyeol smacks his cheeks a few times before closing his eyes and mentally preparing himself for another try in shifting. He and Jungkook have been practicing all over the weekend, and still Chanyeol hasn't succeeded.

Jungkook is fully over his rut now, so he's just waiting for Taehyung to be done with his heat too. A way to keep him distracted is trying to make Chanyeol shift, but so far it has been impossible. But he's getting better, his body is showing progress and Jungkook can smell how his wolf is starting to get there. It's hard to explain how a shift happens, but somehow he got it put into words that Chanyeol understood and now they have just been trying and trying for hours on end.

All hope seems lost, but they are not going to give up just yet.

When it's time for them to take a break, Jungkook is surprised when he suddenly smells some very familiar wolves coming their way. Chanyeol seems to notice them too, but he only knows Taehyung's scent and not the others'.

"Who are they?"

"Friends from school. Don't worry, they are helping us," Jungkook states. He smiles when he sees Taehyung is following along with them. It feels like they haven't seen each other in forever, even though it has only been a small week since then. The longing just makes it so much harder and Jungkook is glad to finally be past that state. He's sure Taehyung is too.

Chanyeol frowns and Jungkook tilts his head in confusion when Jimin suddenly starts sprinting towards them, a big smile on his face.

"Jungkookie!" he yells and holds up a note in his hand, waving it around like a maniac. Jungkook squeeks in surprise when he's pulled into a tight hug by the omega. Jimin is like a koala around him and Jungkook honestly doesn't know what to do. Sure, he knows Jimin is touchy, but never to this level.

"J-Jimin what-"

"We found it!" the boy laughs and let's go of Jungkook, shoving the note into the raven's face, "we found his name!"

Jungkook's eyes grow big and he grabs around the paper, studying the letters written there.

Ga Sehun.

[A/N: No, it's not the Sehun many of you are thinking about, I just needed a name that was close to Suho 😂 Also, the names mentioned further down are not meant as real life people, it's just the names I could think of]

It's really true. Suho is not the pack leader's son? Holy shit, this is like the tea of the century.

"And there's more! See," Jimin grabs the paper and turns it around, "you better thank us. We have almost become criminals to collect this information."

Jungkook quickly nods a few times and looks back at the paper, seeing a whole lot of stuff written there.

Name: Ga Sehun
Age: 16
DNA: alpha/beta
Parents: Ga Chuna and Ga Doyun
Home city: Daegu

"What is it?" Chanyeol asks and walks over to them, Jimin gives him a confused look, probably wondering about the scent of the younger.

"They found out, Suho- I mean Sehun is your mate's name? He's only 16... I always though he was older than me..." Jungkook says and gives him the note. Chanyeol almost can't believe it, his hands are shaking as he looks down at the information. Suho is not the rich asshole they have know all this time he's... a poor kid adopted into a rich family. What the fuck.

"T-This is..." Chanyeol places a hand against his forehead, "I don't even think you understand what this means for me."

The others give each other a look and glances back at the pure-blood.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now