Chapter 54

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Thanks for the comments on the last chapter and the messages guys, it was nice getting it off my chest. Cause I love writing Taekook, even if that relationship isn't real and that's totally okay. They can love who they want and be who they want, my story barely has anything to do with the real people... It's honestly only their name and looks that I find very fitting for this story💜

I mostly made that author's notice because I started feeling scared and uncomfortable since my stories do contain smut... I felt like I was doing something wrong. The last thing I want to do is hurt BTS, they mean the world to me after all. But after you all commented, I don't feel so bad anymore 💜 And for all of those who don't think smut should be a part of these stories, I apologize, but for me... sex is a big part of a relationship, that's why I have it in my stories cause it's an important step for two people who are in love (in my opinion). I hope you won't mind it when it comes in one of the future chapters.

So thanks, some of you were really nice and from what I can see, almost every one of you aren't toxic taekookers who want to force it to be real. We know taekook are most likely only friends/brothers which is more than okay, and if they are more, that's also okay! We are just here to enjoy a fictionary world without hurting anyone. So thanks for that, I will keep working hard on this book and give it an ending I can be proud of. I don't know how many chapters are left, but we still have some to go, so stay tuned!

I love you all more than you know

Enjoy ~


"Shut up!" Yoongi whisper-shouts before tilting his head slightly to look past the wall he's currently hiding behind. It's lunch break and he, Jimin and Hoseok are executing their overly smart plan at the moment. They have been observing Namjoon's office for a while and were just about to enter when a student suddenly stopped in the middle of the hall to speak with a teacher. Talk about bad timing.

"What do we do? The break is almost over!" Hoseok stresses back and Yoongi slaps him on the shoulder.

"It's not like we can go now stupid!"

"Will both of you stop it?" now it's Jimin that breaks in and makes the two others shut their mouths. 

Jimin leans over beside Yoongi and takes a peak, sensing that whatever conversation that teacher and student is having is about to end. A little bit of patience is all that's needed which apparently is an omega thing, the two dumbass behind him are stressing for absolutely no reason. Not like that's anything new though. 

"See! They are going, let's move," Jimin says and starts tippy-toeing over to Namjoon's door. It says principal on the front and it isn't exactly a place others than Namjoon go, so as soon as they are inside they don't have anything to fear. Yoongi and Hoseok try to look normal as they turn around themselves in order to look out for any potential teachers walking their way. Jimin opens the door slowly and sticks his head inside, overly relieved when he sees Namjoon isn't there.

He rushes inside and the guys quickly follow him, heading straight for the computer at the desk. Jimin sits down in the chair and turns the computer on, seeing that's it's locked with a password, however he knows what it is. Since it's a work computer that technically all teachers are allowed to use, the password is the same as all the other computers. Namjoon is really humble about stuff like that, he barely wanted to have his own office because he thought it was unfair to his workers.

Jimin has always thought the elder was too kind, but right now he doesn't mind that at all. He types in the password and sighs in relief when it opens.

"I feel like a criminal," Hoseok says and uncomfortably rubs his hands together because they're starting to get so sweaty.

"You are a criminal," Yoongi deadpans. Well, he isn't lying, they are looking into another person's personal details, but the worst that could happen is that they get suspended for a few weeks... but it's totally worth it.

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