Bonus #5 + Tips

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Long time no see! Sorry, this will not be the Namjin bonus I promised, I will save that for later because a lot of you requested some tips on writing and I need some time to figure out what to write in the Namjin chap💓 But I wanted to add a short bonus as well for those who doesn't write but just enjoy reading on wp!🙏

Thanks for reading, I promise the Namjin bonus is in the making!

[After chapter 57 (a.k.a. When taekook did the ~ deed ~)]


Taehyung gently closes the door as Jungkook gets out of sight, ready to head home after a rather... interesting night. Taehyung still can't fully believe that actually happened.

He bites his lip in order to surpress a smile and his heart beats fast with nothing but love.

He loves Jungkook... Jungkook loves him?

It all seems too damn good to be true, but nevertheless it's a part of Taehyung's life. Oh, so blessed he is.

Taehyung seems to get so lost in his own thoughts that he doesn't even realize the head of his mother appearing in the kitchen door.

"Um, Taehyung?"

No response.

"Taehyung sweety..."

Taehyung flinches a little and blinks, looking over at his mother confused. He really got lost in another world for a moment there. The pain in his back when he turns makes it terribly clear that he's back on earth though. He holds in a small hiss and looks at his mother, "what is it?"

"Why's there untouched food in the oven?"

Oh. Right. They totally forgot to eat yesterday! So lame, even when they spend so long making it.

Taehyung feels his cheeks heat up and he immediately rushes inside the kitchen. As expected the food looks fine, it's just cold now. Some of the advantages of having an automatic oven is that it doesn't burn the food. Still kind of a waste they didn't get to eat it.

"You were too busy, huh?" Taehyung's mother smirks as she puts her hands in her sides, giving her son a knowing look. Mr. Kim, who was just minding his own business, looks over the top of his newspaper with hesitant eyes.

"Mom!" Taehyung whines and hides his face in his hands, "don't say it like that."

"Mmm he treated you real good didn't h-"

Taehyung smacks a hand over his mother's mouth to stop whatever ridiculous sentence she was about to finish. Personality wise, mrs. Kim is like a 20 year old still going fresh and she doesn't hide this matter for her son. She wants in on all the details.

"Well," mr. Kim shuts the newspaper and stands up, "grandma is waiting."

What a savior, Taehyung thinks. He looks at his father gratefully as his mother pouts.

"You might be off lightly for now, but mama here doesn't miss out on the tea," she points at him as she starts backing out of the kitchen to go for the front door, her eyes slightly squeezed as if she ready to jump her son if he as much as blinks.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now