Chapter 35

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"How are you feeling?" Jin asks as he runs his hand softly through Jungkook's raven-black hair, seeing how the boy is about to fall asleep on his father's lap.

"Okay, I guess... I'm nervous," Jungkook replies. It has been a little over a week since he got out of the hospital. It was a short visit, still Jungkook was more than happy to get out of there. He started going back to school as usual. It has been easier now that the tension between him and Taehyung is gone and they are speaking somewhat normally again.

Not to mention the worried friends Jungkook suddenly had to deal with. Hoseok and Jimin were apparently just as worried about Jungkook's health as Taehyung and Yoongi, they just didn't get the chance to visit Jungkook at the hospital. They settled with drowning him with questions the very first day he set his foot back on school grounds.

Still, it warms his heart deeply that he has people (who aren't his father) that care about him. It's a foreign feeling for him, but he likes it.

"I'm sure it will be great," Jin encourages.

"I'm gonna mess it up, I just know it," Jungkook replies with a pout. His 'date' with Taehyung is tomorrow and honestly Jungkook is starting to regret why on earth he concluded that inviting Taehyung for dinner would be a good idea and definitely not troublesome for his shyness.

That's where he went wrong.

He has seen Taehyung every day the entire week, still his heart almost emerges from his chest every time he thinks about their date tomorrow.

Jungkook settled on asking Taehyung over to the café, considering he doesn't have enough money to take him somewhere fancy. But Jin just suggested he could make them some food and close down the café early so they could have it all for themselves.

"You won't, look how far you have made it already. It will be great for you," Jin smiles and moves around with Jungkook's hair a little more.

Jin had been feeling down ever since Jungkook was put in the hospital, probably slightly because of guilt. He kept scolding himself for not seeing that Jungkook wasn't keeping up well...

Jungkook however doesn't think his father is a fault at all. Therefore he has been lingering around his father these past days to make him feel better. Talking with him, hugging him a little more often and as he is right now, resting on Jin's lap on the couch.

"I hope so..." Jungkook mumbles and closes his eyes. He's nervous. Actually, he's freaking out.

What are they going to talk about? He has no idea, they talk about everything over phone or in school, but now when they have to sit face to face alone, Jungkook knows he's going to struggle. Everything is so much harder when you're alone. It's way more awkward and with his shyness it's going to be doubled.

Still, he hasn't reached the point of canceling yet. He's going to do this, no matter how scared he is. He is the only hope for his and Taehyung's relationship, considering he's basically the only one holding them back. If he can just take that one step, everything will change. 

"Let's go to bed, it's late and you sure do have a big day tomorrow," Jin says and gently claps Jungkook's head so he gets the memo to sit back up. The raven does so and is more than grateful it's weekend. He saw Taehyung in school and they split ways with a small hug and gently kiss on Jungkook's cheek. The younger flushes by the mare thought. 

He wants to be closer to Taehyung. Like... closer closer.

With a sigh he says goodnight to his father and they each head for their individual rooms in order to get a good night's rest. Jungkook already knows he isn't going to get a wink of sleep considering Jeon is bouncing around in the back of his head. 

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