Chapter 49

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Taehyung is walking backwards up the stairs of Jungkook and Jin's house. It's funny how familiar this situation is, but it seems like there's no other way to get a very stubborn true-blood to walk up the stairs. Now, it's even harder when there's apparently another true-blood walking right behind it.

To say Jin is flabbergasted is an understatement. He literally dropped the plate he was holding, luckily it didn't get destroyed. It would honestly have been weirder if he hadn't reacted at all considering that Chanyeol isn't hiding his scent and is therefore very easy to classify.

"What in the world-" Jin has never met another true-blood before, it's absolutely insane for him. He can already feel the submissive parts of himself struggle a lot from scenting the new boy, not to mention the wolf that's currently being convinced to shift. Whatever went down can't have been good for Jungkook to be in this situation. It's insane the wolf is even letting this strange boy inside. 

"We will explain," Taehyung says without letting his eyes leave Jungkook's. After about 20 minutes, he finally gets Jeon convinced to shift so they can really start figuring out what to do now.

Suho's mate? What do you make of that?

Jungkook definitely didn't have a good reaction at that and he almost ripped off Chanyeol's limps right there and then. Luckily, Taehyung got in between them and saved the situation. They need to know more about the whole problem before they start pulling others' heads off.

Soon, Taehyung is sitting with a naked Jungkook in his lap who's currently passed out. Since he was partly there when shifting, it probably won't take as long for him to wake up. Jin quickly gets some clothes and they get him dressed, with Chanyeol's help it isn't as difficult as last time. 

"So, someone mind telling me what the hell is going on?" Jin asks in concern right after having chucked Jungkook in a blanket. Taehyung looks over at Jin, then Chanyeol, and then Jin again before sighing. He honestly has no idea what is going on or where to begin. Chanyeol decides to break the silence and help Taehyung.

"I would love to explain, but I think it would be best if Jungkook has woken back up," he smiles gently and Jin takes 10 steps back.

"Wow there, how do you know his name?" he asks, "I'm not comfortable about this at all."

"I wasn't at first either, but then I learned that he's Suho's mate and everything kind of changed to be honest..." Taehyung says from the side. He's also very curious to know what this dude's deal is, but it is indeed very important Jungkook hears it too. Not to mention Chanyeol was talking about some other 'problems' too which is probably true-blood stuff Taehyung wouldn't understand anyway.

Jin accepts after a long minute of staring at Chanyeol and then goes to the kitchen to make some snacks for them and some drinking. Chanyeol and Taehyung sit down in front of each other in awkward silence, just looking a little around the room and silently begging for Jungkook to wake up. Not that he would be less awkward, but then they can get started on an actual important conversation. 

After around 20 minutes, Jungkook's body jolts awake and he makes the rest of the household flinch greatly and Jin once again drops whatever is in his hands. Such a scardy-cat.

"Did I kill someone!?" he asks quickly and holds around his face, trying to confirm that he isn't hurt from some possible fight. He remembers standing in the ally and shifting, but what happened after that is like dust for him, totally gone. Jin rushes over to him and holds his wrist, "don't worry. You're okay, you didn't hurt anyone."

That is a needed sentence for Jungkook every time he wakes up after a sudden shift. The boy visually calms down by that and Taehyung, who's still by the table, can't help but notice the big, curious eyes of Chanyeol who's just staring at Jungkook, almost as if he's in awe. 

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