Chapter 14

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Jungkook is banging his head into a wall.

He got home after visiting Taehyung and now he's regretting everything. At least he has work that he can occupie his mind with, but 50% of his work includes waiting for the treats to be done. This forces him to think about what he did. So stupid. He doesn't even know how he's going to deal with Taehyung tomorrow.

To underline how much Jungkook is struggling with this, he actually ends up not going to school at all.

He woke up in the morning with a pounding headache. Jeon hasn't been calm even for one second doing the night, so Jungkook used this as his excuse for not going to class.

He hasn't told Jin about his accident. He just knows Jin will be disappointed with him for running away again. With a sigh he stares out if the window.

He's kind of happy though, Suho had warned him yesterday that he was going to get his ass whooped today, so maybe it's pretty good he isn't going. Suho is going to see it like Jungkook is being a pussy and hiding from him, which is totally stupid.

He doesn't like how Suho feels like he's so much better than him and treats him like garbage. Still, he isn't going to go against him, he's not going to be what they want him to be. A monster.

His heart arches by the mare thought. He hates his life. He really does. He knows it's stupid to think that way, there are other people who are struggling more than he is.

That doesn't mean he isn't suffering though.

He gets through the day by painting his board again. He always does that when he's stressed, it really calms him down.

This time, he draws the outline of a person. It's pretty obvious which person it is, still he loves every bit of it. The brush rushes over the wood like it has done countless times before.

Jungkook works on it for hours until he has to go to work. To be honest, he's pretty proud of the outcome. What if Taehyung sees it? Oh no, that would be way to embarrassing. He just have to keep his board away whenever Taehyung is around, should be easy.

[Credit to the rightful owner / Ashia]

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[Credit to the rightful owner / Ashia]

He throws the used brushes on the table after having washed them. His hands get cleaned as well before he grabs his apron and heads downstairs.

He stomps all the way down lazily, hearing Jin talk to some customers. Well, in a weird way.

He opens the door slightly and sees his least favorite people on the planet standing by the desk. Suho and his minions are standing leaned over the table, clearly trying to flirt with Jin.

The sight is straight up repulsive for Jungkook and he feels like gagging. He knows his father is outstandingly beautiful, but shouldn't Suho at least flirt with someone his age?

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