Chapter 7

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Taehyung gently places his books inside the rather worn-out locker. He just finished his last lesson, and he doesn't know why the day went by so quickly.

Maybe it's because he couldn't smell or feel his mate all day. Did Jungkook really stay home to avoid him? That's like a slap to Taehyung's face.

He takes a deep breath and closes his locker, letting his hand rest on top of the cold metal for a second.

How should he deal with this problem? He honestly don't know where to start, it seems so unmanageable.

Thinking of the devil, Taehyung suddenly flinches by the scent invading his nose. He twitches it and immediately feels delight by the smell.

It's so faint though, but it's definitely his mate. How come he can only smell it when Jungkook's so close?

Like lightning, he turns around himself, hoping to see the other.

It takes a second before he meets the soft brown eyes that a big with surprise and dispair.

Taehyung opens his mouth and immediately reaches out for the other, but Jungkook jumps back and doesn't waste a second running to the end of the hall and hide behind the corner.

Taehyung frowns. He can still feels the other's presence, but why is he hiding like that?

It's kind of cute somehow, but also problematic. How do you deal with an overly strong wolf who's apperantly afraid of his own mate?

Taehyung slowly walks towards the corner and sees jungkook jump away again, this time escaping outside the school because the bell rings.

Taehyung doesn't want to drell to much by the thought.

But that's what he told himself the first couple of days, seeing Jungkook escape him every single time.

However, when Jungkook had been running from him for two weeks, Taehyung was about to lose his mind.

He just saw Jungkook run away again for the 3th this day and it makes Taehyung run his hands through his hair in frustration.

They haven't exchanged a single word this entire time. That's not how mates are supposed to interact with each other.

"Taehyung? What are you doing?" Jimin's voice suddenly appears beside him and Taehyung almost cries by the presence of another person.

"I'm loosing it, I can't live like this. He won't even look my way... I'm going insane," Taehyung says and places his hands on Jimin shoulders so he can shake him.

"I think that's a good thing to be honest... it's Jungkook we're talking about after all-"

"I don't care! I just need to hear his voice or-or see his smile, I'm getting desperate!"

"I wish I could help, but I don't think there's anything I can do?" Jimin says. Taehyung looks at the ground for a second.

How can he corner Jungkook? He needs to change his tactic, Jungkook's too good at avoiding him.

"Wait, you're speaking well with the principal right?" Taehyung begins. Jimin hesitantly nods, he's pretty good friends with Namjoon.

"You can get his address!"

"Wow, hold up there cowboy, you can't just walk into his house like that," Jimin says.

"I know, but I can be in the area... you know? Maybe there's a Cafe or something nearby I can spend some time at," Taehyung tries. He's really reaching a point where he needs to be with his mate.

Jimin looks at his face for a minute biting his lip. It's not easy to get an address just like that.

"You gonna be like a creepy stalker... I can try," Jimin sighs. Taehyung smiles brightly and pulls the other into a bone-chrushing hug.

"Thank you, thank you!"

"Let's go then..."


"Okay... strange, I didn't know this," Jimin says as he walks outside with a piece of paper.

It took him like, an hour, to convince Namjoon that he needed Jungkook's home address. He did succeed in the end though, saying something about Taehyung hurting because he couldn't be close to his mate.

"What's the matter?" Taehyung asks, slightly worried. What if Jungkook lives too far away? Somewhere dangerous?

"Well, apparently he lives on top of this café? I haven't been there, but I have heard about it before. Like a dessert place. It seems that his guardian owns it," Jimin explains and hands over the paper.

It's not exactly in the rich part of town, but there's still a lot of students who goes there since there are a lot of shops on that street.

"Desserts? Can't imagine a true-blood making cakes to be honest," Taehyung chuckles but let's his thumb run over the letters giving out Jungkook's address. Underneath it there's a picture of the store.

It's not very big, the main colors are pink and white, giving it this cute outside. Taehyung loves places like these, they are not to fancy or anything, just... cozy.

"I mean, it gives you a good opportunity to get close I guess? You can just pretend you're going to have some cake in there," Jimin offers.

"I'm gonna get fat before he talks to me," Taehyung sighs. He has a soft spot for treats.

Jimin giggles, "it could be worse."

"Idiot," Taehyung playfully shoves the other. They have gotten pretty close over the last two weeks, for some reason they just click perfectly.

"By the way, did you get any job yet?"

Doing all this trouble with trying to get Jungkook's attention, Taehyung has been searching for a job too. He doesn't want to rely on his parents to much.

In order to be more independent, he thought it would be good to find a job for himself.

He put out applications for a lot of places, but only one replied.

"Yeah! At a kindergarten actually," Taehyung explains and Jimin immediately coos.

It's in their omega genes that they love children. It's just a part of their nature to be parents, therefore it's the perfect job for them.

"That's amazing, I guess I'll come visit you at some point," Jimin says and they talk for another minute before classes will begin.

Taehyung holds the paper close to him the entire day.

He can't wait to go there and see if Jungkook will be unable to escape him. Maybe he's being annoying, but Taehyung can't wait much longer.

He needs his mate and he knows Jungkook needs him too. Both of them have been struggling with the pain in the chest, it's only their human sides that need to make up.

With that thought in mind, Taehyung leaves the school grounds after a hard day of studying and heads to the other side of town.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now