Chapter 27

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"How warm is it outside? I'm not sure what to wear," Jimin says and holds out two different jackets. They are getting ready for the bonfire after a successful and fun day at the beach. Jungkook actually had a lot of fun, even though he normally isn't into those kind of activities. Maybe that's why he's also pretty excited for this party or whatever it is.

"It's pretty hot, you can just wear you usual jacket," Yoongi says and watches Jimin nod before he starts changing his clothes.

Jungkook also just wears something simple, he doesn't have much clothes anyway and it isn't really because he's going to try and seduce someone. Well, maybe he should do a little extra to look better for Taehyung? But what should he change? He doesn't even now how to style his long dark locks the right way...

Right now, Taehyung is taking a shower to get all the sand and saltwater off his skin, therefore it might be the perfect time for Jungkook to get some help.

"H-Hey Jimin?"


"Can you... uhm... do you now a good way to like... s-style my hair or something?" Jungkook timidly asks. He doesn't know how to start a conversation about a subject he has absolutely no clue about, but somehow he succeeded. 

Jimin's eyes widen together with his smile and he almost jumps on the pure-blood in happiness.

"Jungkook just asked for help!" he beams. He knows he's overreacting, but Jungkook has never asked anything aside from if Taehyung was okay. This request is like a friendship request, somehow it just means more for Jimin than all earlier interactions he has had with Jungkook.

"Relax," Yoongi says and Hoseok just chuckles at his overexcited mate.

"Okay, okay. Yoongi and Hobi, you guys keep Taehyung distracted, I'm going to make this guy smoking delicious," Jimin smirks and looks over Jungkook's body, "and I'll be borrowing some of your clothes Hobi."

The two guys frowns as Jimin starts dragging them out of the room without further notice, hoping they will get through with this newly made plan. 

"Fine, we'll take him eating and say you're sleeping, so if he calls, you better sound moody," Hoseok says and Jimin just quickly agrees. He shoves them outside before closing the door behind them, not letting them object.

He turns back to Jungkook who looks slightly frightened now. He doesn't know what he just got himself dragged into. 

"Now, now. Let me make you a walking snack."


"How come you suddenly wanted to go this early?" Taehyung asks as he walks with the guys towards the beach. Some other students from their school are already there, preparing everything. The sun is setting, but it's still really warm. Their country is very hot in the summer, even at night.

"Since Jungkook and Jimin wanted to sleep, we thought we should leave them alone, and I was hungry anyway," Hoseok states and Yoongi simply nods at that statement. Taehyung frowns a little at that, he's not completely sure he believes what his friends are saying at the moment. He shrugs and keeps following them down to the bonfire.

They talk around for a bit with some of their classmates and helps getting some alcohol. Namjoon was the one who bought all the alcohol for them, telling everybody that he is the best principal of all time. No one objected to that.

He also made sure there is food, such as different barbeque meat, pasta, sauce and everything else. He and the teachers really planned this trip well, wanting to make sure all their students are well-fed and having a good time. That makes Taehyung wonder how all the teacher can act like idiots and ignore Jungkook all the time when they 'care so deeply' about their other students.

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