Chapter 36

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Taehyung gently runs a hand over his shirt to make sure it's sitting nicely over his chest and stomach, outlining his beautiful and slender body. He didn't know how to dress, but he wanted to look good for Jungkook so he settled on a tight-fitting white shirt and a blazer-like jacket to put over. For pants, he's simply wearing some nicely fitted dark grey trousers.

He hopes he isn't too overdressed. His hair is curled nicely and his glasses have been left at home. This gave Taehyung a great opportunity to put on some make-up, he hopes it isn't too much.

While biting his lip, the blue-haired boy gently lifts his hand and knocks on the door before him. He doesn't know what to expect from this evening and date, he has been creating countless scenarios in his head for the past few days, but every time his mind concludes that Jungkook is unpredictable.

Especially when he's suddenly the one taking the initiative, but Taehyung is more than thrilled that that's the case. When Jungkook asked him out back then, he was mentally freaking out. He was so focused on wanting to be Jungkook's friend instead of anything else that he totally forgot Jungkook could actually be the one to move their relationship further.

After a minute of standing before the door, he hears some faint voices on the other side, and the door is dragged open where Jin comes into view. The elder smiles brightly and takes in Taehyung's appearance. As always, he looks stunning.

"Good evening Tae!" Jin cheers and pulls the other into a hug. Taehyung happily returns it and automatically gets dragged into the entrance. He's hit by the amazing smell of fresh-made food, making his stomach rumble unexpected.

He blushes and holds a hand over it, "sorry, I didn't eat all day."

"Don't worry about that, we have you covered," Jin says and takes Taehyung's coat. He hangs it on the coat rack as if he was a butler or something, which he kind of is just for today.

"Thanks," Taehyung smiles softly, holding his hands folded in front of him. He's very nervous somehow, but also really excited. He can't wait to see what Jungkook prepared for him, Taehyung is certain it's something amazing.

Jin smiles back and gently holds his hand on Taehyung's lower back, guiding him inside the café. Just as they step in, a beautifully dressed Jungkook shoots up and stands straight. The mates' eyes meet and both of them get lost in looking up and down each others' bodies.

Jungkook is amazed with how ethereal and outstandingly beautiful Taehyung looks.

Jungkook is amazed with how ethereal and outstandingly beautiful Taehyung looks

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Jungkook might actually pass out from the other's beauty. You might think he's exaggerating, but he's half-animal and in the animal world appearance actually is a big thing for some reason.

Taehyung isn't much better. Jungkook looks so overly handsome and manly yet beautiful. How he pulls off both is a riddle for Taehyung, but he isn't complaining at all.

"Hi," Taehyung smiles. Jin discreetly disappears out of the kitchen, passing by a Jungkook who can't reply because he's so stunned by the other's beauty. Jin gently pinches his side and Jungkook flinches, realizing he was openly staring.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now