Chapter 31

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Taehyung is getting mad. Like really, really mad. He hasn't talked with Jungkook for another week now, solely because that true-blood keeps running away from him. 

Jungkook did nothing wrong. He didn't hurt Taehyung on purpose, but for some reason he still won't accept that and therefore he keeps ignoring their relation and hiding from Taehyung. To say that the elder is reaching a limit is an understatement. 

He got his cast off yesterday, considering it was just a small breach on a bone and not an actual broken one. Taehyung has tried breaking his arm and his leg before, so it isn't like this is overly problematic for him. What's problematic is that Jungkook won't listen to him.

And indeed, Jungkook won't listen. He has slowly started going to school again, but every time Taehyung has been close, he has walked away at a fast pace to assure Taehyung didn't get a chance to stop him. His mental health is getting worse.

Every day, every hour, every minute he gets down into a darker place. He doesn't want to be here and live like this. He doesn't want to be a true-blood, he doesn't want to be a mistake. He just, for once in his life, wants to be normal. However, it seems like his mind and heart have realized that's not gonna happen and therefore made him overly depressed.

Taehyung deserves better. He'll get better. Jungkook has eaten his lunch in the bathrooms or in the classrooms, also in order to be alone as much as possible. Suho has also been looking for him, but Jungkook has avoided him like oil and water. He can't hear a word from the other without losing his temper, he just knows it.

Because he's a monster.

All he do is sleep, work and cause trouble. He really can't do anything aside from that. For Jin, for Taehyung and for his friends he has been a bump on the road that has slowed them down on their trip through life. 

Talk about being pathetic.

It's right after school and Jungkook is in the kitchen, staring at the cakes before him. He keeps trying to create a nice decoration on them, but his hands are shaking uncontrollably... he has no idea why though. Maybe it's a side effect from the medicine? He shakes his head and grabs his wrist to make his hand more steady as he keeps working. 

He feels terrible, but he doesn't want Jin to notice. Jungkook can't leave his dad to take care of the café alone.

The only reason Jungkook hasn't put an end to his misery is because of his dad. He would be heartbroken and probably close down the café if something happens to his son. Jungkook can't let that happen.

Even if it sounds very tempting for him to just end it all.

He sighs and drops the tools in his hands before resting them on the table. His head drops and he takes some deep breaths. 

Get it together. His vision blurs slightly, but not from tears. He feels dizzy? Why is he suddenly like this... 

A shrilling sound is heard in the café, meaning that someone has entered. Shit, he got to go and take their order, Jin is visiting the supermarket, picking up some ingredients. Jungkook pushes himself up and spends a second making sure he won't lose his balance.

Please don't be an omega.

He walks out and closes the door behind him when he smells who it is. Oh no. Please... anyone else. 

Taehyung is here. His cast is gone. That's good right? Jungkook immediately tries to run back into the kitchen, but he's brutally stopped by Taehyung's voice.

"Stop right there," he says strongly, making something in Jungkook pause completely and plant his feet on the floor. The strong feeling of fear and claustrophobia invades him as he can't get his legs to function and therefore his only possibility of escape gets closed off. What on earth is wrong with him?

"Look at me," Taehyung spits and Jungkook can't help but do so. He does keep his gaze on the floor though. It's certain he'll burst out in tears if he looks at Taehyung and he can't let that happen. He's scared he'll never stop again.

"You know what? I'm so tired of this," Taehyung begins. It seems he went here again to finally force some type of communication between them. Maybe he knew Jin wasn't home... "I don't know what it is that you're running from, but I'm sick of it!" Taehyung yells.

It's been a while since he has been this emotionally conflicted. Anger has never really been something Taehyung has shown a lot of, but right now he doesn't fell anything else. Well... maybe disappointment.

"Why is it that you keep avoiding me!? I'm telling you I'm okay and I don't care what you did, I just want to talk with you again," he says, his voice breaking slightly. 

Jungkook bites his lip and turns his head slightly, not knowing what to say. A lump in his throat is growing and his heart is starting to beat faster and faster. It hurts.

"Answer me!" Taehyung yells, taking a step closer to the true-blood. Why can't he just- just- do something!?

Another killing minute of silence surrounds them and Taehyung swears he's fuming right now. Why is Jungkook so freaking stubborn? He hasn't tried to contact Taehyung once doing this time, not even to say sorry which would probably cure a lot of his mental struggles. So why? Why is it so hard for him to do so? Is Taehyung really not worth fighting for anymore?

"Fine," Taehyung throws his arms helplessly up in the air, "then have it your fucking way!" he spits before turning around and storming out of the café. He never intended to get this mad, but he's totally blinded by anger and sadness that he doesn't realize what he's saying. However, if Jungkook doesn't want to be with him, Taehyung should get the hint. 

If Jungkook doesn't want him anymore then he won't bother him since that's clearly what he has been doing all this time.

That's what he's overly convinced of. He will never know what he just did to his mate though. He finally pushed Jungkook to the edge and the raven can't control whether he's going to fall or not. All he can see is blank space before him. Emptiness. 

What usually looks like a wall and a set of chairs before him starts crumbling and mixing together into a colorless substance that Jungkook can't even describe fully. Maybe this is what he has been waiting for? The last kick in the direction of hell. 

Yeah, maybe that's it.

He doesn't get to think much about it because his brain finally shuts down. He gets embraced by pure darkness as his heavy body tips and falls to the ground, leaving him passed out on the middle of the cold, wooden floor. 

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now