Chapter 56

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Jungkook nervously rubs his hands against each other, walking around in the café in order to keep his mind and body busy.

Jin is looking at him with a knowing smile, watching the younger pace back and forth. He has been doing that for the last 30 minutes because he's so nervous to go to Taehyung's house. He has dressed up rather nicely, but not too much... and there's about half an hour until he has to be there, so he still has plenty of time to go and get dragged into his own thoughts.

He probably has 15 different scenarious in his head of what could go wrong by now, so Jin walks over to him and grabs his arm.

"Listen, nothing bad is going to happen, why are you so nervous?"

"B-But dad he... he emphasized that his parents aren't home! What if it's a hint? But what if I'm misunderstanding and makes a fool out of myself?" Jungkook nervously brings his hand to his mouth in order to bite his nails, but Jin grabs his arm to stop him from the nasty habit.

"He's your mate Jungkook. You could literally come to his house in a carrot costume and you would still be the most beautiful person on earth in his eyes. Don't underestimate the power of the mate bond," Jin lectures and giggles when Jungkook pouts while slumping his shoulders. Whatever happens today just has to be amazing, so of course he doesn't want to mess it up.

Jin reaches up and flicks Jungkook's forehead, making him flinch and yelp in surprise.

"Have some faith in yourself! You're amazing Jungkook and I know Taehyung thinks so too. We all make mistakes, so even if you mess up he won't mind, okay? But you won't, there's basically nothing you can do wrong," the elder adds.

"Yes, there is," Jungkook mumbles.

"No, there's not. Taehyung is just as new to all of this as you are, you guys just have to trust each other."

Jungkook sighs but nods nonetheless. He knows his father is right, but that doesn't make his fear go away in the slightest.

"Now go, you don't want to be late, do you?"

Jungkook gasps and looks at the clock. He was in such good time and suddenly he's behind. He scrambles out to the entrance and grabs his jacket, swinging it over his shoulders and arms.

"So... when are you coming home?" Jin asks.

"Taehyung said I could s-sleep over... so I will probably be home around evening tomorrow. Why?" Jungkook asks in a hurry as he drags his shoes on, not noticing the hesitating eyes of his father.

"No reason, just had to know if I should make breakfast or not," he says. Smooth.

"Not needed, but thanks anyway," Jungkook says and walks over to him, kissing him gently on the cheek. Jin just observes him as he grabs his bag (with a present for Taehyung inside apparently) and opens the door.

They say bye to each other and Jungkook hurries down the street in the direction of his mate's house.


The bell from the door startles Taehyung and he jumps from the couch as fast as he can. Before heading towards the entrance, he stops in front of a mirror and checks his hair.

He doesn't know why he's nervous, he has been with Jungkook several times! He slept in the same bed as him... but today, it's just different. His mind has been filled with nothing but the possible outcomes of today, and he honestly doesn't know if he's excited or scared. Probably a good mix in between.

After making sure everything is on spot, he walks over to the door and opens it. Jungkook stands on the other side with his hands folded before him, holding a bag with his fingers. His hair is pushed back a little, showing off his forehead and he's wearing some darker and fancier clothes. All in all, he looks amazing.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now