Chapter 12

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A few days have passed and Jungkook has been more than passionate about making cakes for Taehyung. Each time the male comes to the Cafe, he tries a new design.

He loves changing the colors, the size and the details. What makes him the most happy is quietly standing by the kitchen door, looking at Taehyung enjoy the treat before their eyes meet and he fleets back to safety.

He hates himself for being so shy, but he doesn't want to disappoint Taehyung. He doesn't know how to act around him or what to say. Will they even have anything to talk about?

Yesterday, Taehyung didn't come to the Cafe though, but Jin just assured Jungkook that he was probably simply with some friends or maybe a little sick.

Still, it made Jungkook uncomfortable. He has gotten so used to having Taehyung around that he can't help but be conflicted with his sudden disappearing.

He tries to dismiss the thought as he throws a warm hoodie over his muscular body, hiding it as he always do.

His Skateboard is resting against the wall and he quickly grabs it along with his bag. He can't wait to go to school today, maybe he'll get a small assurance that Taehyung is okay.

"Have a good day at school," Jin yells at him as he rushes down the stairs.

"I will," he yells back and exits the house. The weather is rather nice today. There's not the usual fog in the air and the tress are free from rim. Maybe it will be too warm having a hoodie on? Good he has a t-shirt underneath.

He rides down the almost empty road, feeling the rather destroyed asphalt making his board bump a few times. He doesn't mind though, he's way to skilled on the small board to notice.

He hums to himself as he rolls all the way to school. Everything is like it usually is, but at least the freshmen are getting more used to seeing Jungkook every morning. They don't jump as far or flinch as hard as they did the first couple of days.

Jungkook rushes inside in hope of smelling his mate, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Maybe he just has the first lesson off?

Jungkook sighs and gets to his locker, mentally preparing himself for his classes.

The day goes on rather quickly, Jungkook's mind only filled with Taehyung and thought about where the boy may be. He doesn't really feel any pain in his chest, so he doesn't think Taehyung in any kind of danger.

Still, his wolf is uneasy, wanting to make sure their mate really is unharmed. He has been an annoying headache in the back of Jungkook's head like he usually is, but Jungkook didn't think it could make him go as far he is right now.

He currently standing by the end of one of the rows of lockers. It's mid-break and he took this as an opportunity to find out where Taehyung is.

He's observing a boy, another omega to be exact. Jungkook has seen Taehyung together with the other omega many times and he knows his name is Jimin. Everyone knows Jimin.

The male is filling his lockers with his books, having left his mates that are standing by the entrance of the cafeteria, waiting for him.

Jungkook gulps as he watches Jimin starting to finish up.

Okay. You can do this. Just ask the question. Nothing bad is going to happen.

He takes a deep breath and swiftly leaves his hiding spot. He takes a few steps before he's behind Jimin who's closing his locker, still haven't noticed the true-blood in the atmosphere.

"E-Excuse me, Jimin-" Jungkook gently reaches out to tap Jimin's shoulder. He didn't mean anything by it, but that doesn't mean Jimin doesn't jump up in fear and turns around. He stares at the bigger male, eyes blown wide and feet slowly taking him a bit backwards to increase the distance between them.

Jungkook himself gets startled by the sudden outburst and takes a step back in motion with Jimin.

Oh. He was so caught up in his own fear of social interaction that he forgot Jimin might would be to scared to talk to him. The scene has gotten the attention of Jimin's two mates who didn't even hesitate running to them and standing between Jungkook and their omega in a protective manner.

They know they don't have a change against Jungkook but that doesn't mean they won't do whatever is needed to protect their mate. Strongly, they glare at the male before them.

"Step back," Hoseok growls and Jungkook immediately shrinks himself as much as possible, doing as he was told. Hoseok is scary.

"What are you doing?" the beta asks which Jungkook recalls is called Yoongi. Those two together are a dangerous combo, they are intimidating.

"I-I... Uhm..." Jungkook stutters out. He shows his hand in the air to assure them he doesn't mean any harm but they don't seem very convinced.

He tries to answer their question again, but his stutter won't let him get very far. Stupid social anxiety... why is it so hard to speak to other people? He gulps and looks down slightly, his hair covering his face. It was stupid of him to believe he had the guts to ask about Taehyung. He's just about to turn around and run with his tail between his legs.

"Wait," Jimin's soothing voice interrupts and he steps between his mates so he's in front of them, "you want to ask me something? J-Jungkook?"

It's simply trangressive for Jimin to speak with someone of such a strong rank, but Jungkook has cowered down so much it isn't as hard as he though it would be.

Jungkook gets shocked at the sudden opening and he once again struggles to say anything. He very rarely intends a conversation, so he's somewhat proud of himself for making Jimin hear him out.

"Uhm... I-I was just wondering if y-you know where... uhm... Taehyung is?" he gets out as he fittles with his hands, "I haven't seen him all day, and I w-wanted to make sure he's okay."

The three werewolves before him frown and give each other a few glances. They have never spoken to Jungkook, so hearing him say so much in one conversation is like hearing a mute speak for the first time.

His voice is dark and slightly hoarse, probably indicating that he isn't much of a talker.

Jimin seems a little taken off guard at the question, blinking a few times to get his mind back on track.

"Taehyung? Oh! Right, he texted me this morning. Don't worry, he's totally fine, he just had to work," Jimin explains and tries to smile to assure Jungkook he's speaking the truth. They don't know what would happen if Jungkook thought he was lying.

"Working? I-In the school hours?" Jungkook questions and slightly tilts his head. It's very unusual a student chooses their job instead of school.

"Yeah, one of his colleagues got sick apparently. They needed someone to look after the kids. He only had one lesson today though, so he didn't miss much," Jimin says with a shrug. It was indeed what Taehyung texted him. The blue-haired omega is too kindhearted to leave the kids in the hands of someone he doesn't trust.

"O-Oh... do you know... where he works?" Jungkook questions timidly. He has a certain need to be close to the smaller male, his wolf for the first time in forever agreeing with him on that.

Jimin nods and quickly explains where Taehyung's workplace is located. Jungkook is relieved to hear it isn't far from his house. Guess he'll head there and just get a little closer to his mate.

"T-Thank you so much. I'm sorry for bothering you," Jungkook politely says as he bows slightly to show gratitude for the help he received. He can't believe he got it together to actually talk with Jimin.

"You're welcome?" Jimin hesitantly answers as he watches Jungkook turn and walk towards the exit. He keeps his head low as he leaves the three others behind who stand still and stare for a second.

"Didn't expect him to be so... timid?" Hoseok states, more like a question. Yoongi hums in agreement before shrugging and heading back towards the cafeteria.

Jimin gazes after the true-blood, watching as people move aside to let him past.

"Do you think he's going to talk to Taehyung?" Hoseok adds.

"No. But he's getting better I think. Oh my God! I can't wait to tell Taehyung this! This is the real tea!" he says and turns around with a grin on his face.

Hoseok frowns and joins him, following in the direction of Yoongi. What a strange day.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now