Chapter 21

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A week has passed and Jungkook and Taehyung have been talking over the phone almost every day.

Jungkook has skipped school most of the days because he has been getting dirty looks from Suho. He doesn't know if the alpha is going to hurt him... one thing is clear though, he's pissed as fuck about the scene in the cafeteria. Taehyung believes Suho is embarrased that he had to submit to Jungkook, but it's what that bastard deserved.

He hasn't done anything to Jungkook, most likely because Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi have been around him in school.

Jungkook can't help but smile slightly at that thought. It's like he actually has friends. They are eating together, going to class together and 'hanging out' as Jungkook has learned to call it. It's just like in the books or in the movies he has seen.

Currently, Jungkook is standing against a wall outside the city's shopping center. It's more like a mall really, a lot of stores are filling the sides and it's packed with all types of people. Jungkook is wearing his hoodie, a pair of his usual black jeans and some sneakers. It's basically what he wears every day.

Taehyung and Jimin thought it would be an amazing idea to spend their saturday in the mall. Taehyung invited Jungkook to come over phone and before he could even consider dislining, the plans were made.

It appears though that Jungkook has arrived way too early. He hasn't really been here before, so he got here faster with his skateboard than he thought he would. He hasn't walked inside yet, he's just trying to hide the best he can from the people that are here to shop as well.

Some have turned their head to him, probably thinking he's here to steal or something else shady, but Jungkook isn't paying them any mind.

He doesn't know if he's excited or straight up terrified for the others to show up. He has never 'hung out' with anyone before, it's a huge step for him. He gently bites his nails from pure nerves as he waits for around 30 minutes before the others show up. He really did mess up the time.

Today, Taehyung is dressed in lazy, comfy looking clothes. A pair of big pants, a sweater and even a hat on top of his head. As always, he pulls that off too.

Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi are just wearing casual clothes as they normally do, nothing much about it.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung cheers as he spots his mate leaned against the brick wall. Jungkook immedietly stands straight and gives a small wave back. He has become a bit more comfortable around the guys, he has been with them almost every day after all.

"Sorry, we got a little late out of the house," he states as they walk up to him. Taehyung gently reaches his hand out and smiles as he let's it rest against Jungkook's cheek for barely a second. It has somehow become a familiar greeting for them. Jungkook can't really get used to it, his cheeks heats up every time and his heart almost jumps out of his chest. Nonetheless, he enjoys that little bit of qhysical contact he can get.

"I-It's okay, I just got here," Jungkook replies with a stutter.

"Pfft, liar," Jimin teases before he starts heading inside. After getting to know Jungkook better, he isn't really scared of him anymore - therefore, he jokes around with him a lot.

Jungkook's cheeks just get even redder as he follows the group inside. It's Jimin who's the most excited about this trip, Taehyung too. Jungkook is just glad he got invited, he isn't going to buy anything, it would be a waste of money for him.

The day starts flowing nicely and they visit all kinds of stores. Mostly, they are just trying out clothes or looking at books. Taehyung seems very interested in art, just like Jungkook, so they got by an art shop as well.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now