Chapter 34

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BE IS SO GOOD<3 Stay is my favorite, but they are all amazing 😭💜


Jungkook is waiting nervously on the hospital bed. He will be free to go home tomorrow considering it has been a few days and his rut is finally over. However, this also gives the perfect opportunity for talking with Taehyung and Jungkook honestly doesn't know if he's ready for it.

Still, Jin asked him this morning if it was okay for Taehyung to come. It seems like the blue-haired boy has been overly hopeful that Jungkook would let him in. Let them have a talk.

And a talk they indeed do need. Both of them haven't been fair towards each other, Jungkook for ignoring Taehyung and Taehyung for getting too mad about it. A talk will definitely be good for them and also... Jungkook has to ask Taehyung something special today.

Jin convinced Jungkook of something, and at first the younger wasn't up for it at all. However, as the day went on he started thinking more and more about how he should push his and Taehyung's relationship in the right direction and the only way might be to... push himself a little.

This is the reason why he has been freaking out all day, seeing how the pointer at the clock have been moving further and further towards 5 pm which is the time Taehyung is supposedly going to visit. It can't be many minutes now.

Jungkook's head almost throws itself up when he hears the faint sound of the door getting pushed open, making it creak and letting Taehyung get into view. The elder boy hesitantly steps inside. 

He's wearing some comfortable clothes, some jeans and a light-brown sweather. As always, he looks like he walked straight out of a magazine. So soft yet so handsome.

"Hi Jungkook," he smiles and gently let's the door fall shut behind him. Jungkook stands from the bed hurrily and straightens out his clothes (he was lucky he got allowed to take his own clothes back on). It doesn't help much, he still looks scared and uneasy.

"H-Hi Taehyung," he stutters and looks down. The feeling of having his mate close is amazing, but it's so awkward after their 'fight' and Jungkook doesn't know what to say.

He looks up and tries to open his mouth to say something, but every time he helplessly closes it again. Taehyung waits and let's Jungkook fight for a little more before he gives up and just looks down shyly.

"Why don't we sit down? We have a lot to talk about," Taehyung gently states and is the first to sit down on the soft hospital bed. Jungkook gulps and hesitantly joins the other, making sure they are sitting as far away from each other as possible.

They sit like that in silence for a while. Taehyung seems pretty calm where Jungkook is honestly freaking out.

"So... I guess I'll begin," Taehyung says, "I'm glad you wanted to see me Jungkook... I-... I have been very scared you didn't want to see me anymore... which I would have understood completely if that was the case," he sighs.

He turns and looks over at his mate, seeing that Jungkook's eyes show forgivness more than anything else.

"I'm so sorry of what I did and said... I didn't mean any of it! I was totally out of my right mind and I reacted badly... it was wrong of me and I have regretted ever since," Taehyung says with pained eyes, "I just want you to know that I do understand if you hate me."

Taehyung immedietly bites his lip. He truly does understand if Jungkook is mad at him... he went totally overboard.

"N-No... I'm not mad... it was my fault too-" Jungkook begins but Taehyung cuts him off.

"No Jungkook. You were just acting that way because you were scared and I chose to look past that... it wasn't okay and I should have done it differently... I'm sorry," he says.

"It's okay, really. I'm just glad you don't hate me," Jungkook states. He can feel how they are slowly falling back into their normal talking habits. They were talking a lot before it happened after all.

"I don't. I really didn't mean anything I said, I hope you believe that. I was just stressed and confused that I let my emotions get the best of me," Taehyung sighs.

"Me too... it wasn't right to ignore you," Jungkook begins, "and I-I hope your arm is okay, I'm sorry..."

Taehyung giggles slightly and pulls up his sleeve. His arm is only a little brushed, but the cast was taken off long ago, it's barely visible that he fell anymore.

Jungkook stares down at it, holding back on the urge to reach forward and touch the soft skin.

"I'm really sorry, Jeon took over and I didn't think I would--that he would-" Jungkook keeps rambling on and on, but Taehyung shuts him up immedietly as he gently places a warm hand on the younger's cheek. Jungkook stops talking and just looks at the other. He has really missed that small touch that is between them. It almost became a need for Taehyung to touch Jungkook like this.

"You didn't do anything wrong. It was my own fault, I jumped you at the wrong time," he says, "and I healed quickly, it wasn't a problem at all."

Jungkoon immedietly feels something get lifted from his shoulders. That was all he feared doing this time... that he really hurt the other badly, but it's good to hear that's not the case.

"T-Thank god," Jungkook sighs out and gently presses his face into the elder's touch, feeling how his thumb gently runs over the blushing skin.

Taehyung smiles and leans forward. Jungkook swears his heart almost stops when their foreheads gently rest against each other so that their faces are closer than they have ever been befor.

"I will do my best to love you for more than just my mate, Jungkook. I promise," Taehyung whispers softly. Jungkook is a little confused at first, but he forgets all about it when Taehyung places a peck on the corner of his mouth.

Oh my god! That's the closest Jungkook has ever been to a kiss! Fuck, shit.

On the inside he was freaking out, but on the outside his eyes are just lost in Taehyung and a small smile is tugging at his lip. Taehyung leans back and let's his hand fall from Jungkook's face, the elder visibly showing his disappointment with an unintended pout. Taehyung giggles slightly.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow at school?" Taehyung asks. Jungkook is almost lost in another world, so he just nods half-heartly. So cute, how can he be a pure-blood?

Taehyung stands up in order to leave, a 'goodbye' halfway out of his mouth when his hand is suddenly grabbed and he halts. He looks back at Jungkook who seems just as surprised that he suddenly reach out for him.

"Uhm- you see... I was thinking that maybe..." Jungkook stutters, "that maybe... you would like... to go on a d-date... with me?"

Taehyung's eyes slowly grow bigger as he hears his mate's request. Never in a million years did he think he was actually going to hear such words come out of Jungkook, but here they are. Strong warmth and joy fills up Taehyung's chest and pushes back all those horrible thoughts he has had all day.

"W-Well- it's only if you have time! And if... you want to at all, we can wait- that's okay too-"

Jungkook's ramble gets cut off when Taehyung smiles brightly and throws himself at the elder, dragging him into a tight hug. Jungkook feels like he just died and went to heaven.

"I would love to," Taehyung says, happiness beaming off him. V and Jeon are even more excited, feeling how their humans sides might actually be able to work on their relationship now.

Real this time.

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