Chapter 47

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Double update <3

Jin helplessly runs through the front gates of his town's middle school, pushing people aside in the hopes of reaching his destination as fast as possible. His breath is running out and his heart is pumping blood as if he's dying.

He rounds a corner, almost slipping on the floor and fall on his ass, but luckily he's able to maintain his balance and continue the run towards the gym hall at the other end of the building.

Why you might ask? Because he got an emergancy call from the principal saying his son is currently going berserk. In a matter of seconds, Jin was out of his house and on the run to save whoever ended up in the hands of a pure-blood.

His pure-blood son who's only the mare age of 14 and probably in the form of his wolf at the moment. And therefore very, very dangerous. Jin never knew before meeting Jungkook how territorial and easy to piss of true-bloods are, especially when dealing with stronger ranks. It's kind of incredible to be honest.

Jin takes another few long strides with his legs before he finally reaches the door to the hall. He rips it open and he's met with a horrifying sight. His timing is almost scary as he watches the black wolf grab the shoulder of a screaming beta, lifting him up and throwing him across the room. With a loud thud, the body hits the wall on one side of the basketball court and falls to the ground.

Frightened young kids are running for their lives, screaming from the bottom of their lungs as they try to get away from the beast. They are fully aware of the fact that Jungkook can rip them to pieces any second it pleases him.

However, Jin is there to change that, being the only person in the world who can stop this madness.


"I'm expecting the payment tomorrow or you will be in deep trouble boy! Mark my words," the middle aged beta mother screams into Jin's face.

"Don't call yourself a father if you can't even control that- that monster!" she finishes of before turning around and smacking the door to the café close behind her.

Luckily, there are no customers inside to watch this encounter, that wouldn't have been very enjoyable to observe.

The mother of the beta who's currently in ICU fighting for his life is rightfully here to scold Jin and make sure he gives the money needed for the hospital bill. The police got involved too after the rather brutal situation that happened at school yesterday, but because Jungkook is still a minor, he was excused for his actions.

Jin sighs and walks around the counter, grabbing the landline and calling the bank. He might as well get those money sent so he won't get into more unnecessary trouble. He will be in dept for a few years and that new paint job he was thinking about can be thrown out of the window.

The bank was understanding and started to deal with all the financial circumstances regarding the episode.

Jin puts the phone back and softly places a hand over his eyes. He feels slightly dizzy and nauseous, it's probably from stress. Before he can fall more into a trance of dispair he hears the door to the stairs close and quick steps running up to the first floor.

Jin sighs again, Jungkook probably heard all of that.

The elder takes off his apron and makes sure the door is locked before heading for the stairs too. He walks up and towards Jungkook's room, gently placing his fist against the door and knocking a few times. There's no response, so after a minute, Jin opens the door and enters.

He feels his heart crack ever so slightly as he sees Jungkook in the corner of the room, knees to his chest and head hiding in his arms that are resting on top of his knees. He's wearing a hoodie so his hair is totally covered and it would probably have been hard to notice him if it wasn't for the heartbreaking sobs leaving his lips.

"Hi kookie," Jin says softly and walks over to the other, squatting down so he's on eye level with his son. He reaches out and timidly grabs around Jungkook's shoulders, squeezing them to gain the younger's attention. Jungkook still doesn't move, but the sobs turn into sniffs instead and therefore making it easier for Jin to talk to him.

"Baby, look at me," Jin whipsers and cares for his son's neck and shoulders, creating slight pressure as he usually would to calm Jungkook down.

"I-I so-sorry," the boy cries, feeling his chest hurting ever so painfully and his body tightening more and more every second.

Jin takes a deep breath. He knows how much it pains Jungkook every time something like this happens. It hurts him, it hurts him deeply. He's still so young, he shouldn't be going through all this pain, but he does every single day.

"You don't have to be sorry anymore Jungkook. You have apologized and everything have been fixed," Jin says and slides his hand down underneath the boy's chin. He tenderly lifts Jungkook's head and looks into the red, puffy eyes. He leans forward and places a kiss on Jungkook's forehead to assure that he's there for him no matter what.

Jungkook closes his eyes and tries to hold back the heavy sobs and shaking limps.

"B-But I almost... h-he could have died, what if-"

"Shhh," Jin pulls Jungkook into a hug and let's the boy wet his tshirt as he cries his heart out.

They sit like that for minutes and Jin will forever remember this day. This day, Jungkook opened up about everything. All of the terrible things that had ever been done to him, all the things he had to endure when he was marely a kid.

For the first time since Jin lifted Jungkook into his home, he feels like a father. He feels like the person Jungkook trusts, the person he will seak for every time he gets in trouble.

That day, everything changed. He has never felt such a strong connection to Jungkook before but he's glad to finally have it. The stories Jungkook outed to him were horrifying, terrible and brutal.

That was also the day Jin got determinded. He would live and work solely to make a better life for his son. His baby. No one, as in no one where to come in between them, even if it will cost Jin his dignity. He will show the world that Jungkook is his son and that he's proud of it, just like he has been since the first day they met.

Many people dream about money or fame, but for Jin, a good life for his son will be the biggest achievement to ever optain.


"That's impossible," Taehyung whispers, mostly to himself. He tugs his fingers tightly in the back of Jungkook's shirt as he stares down the ally.

"Trust me, I have been hiding my scent long enough to know exactly what that is," Jungkook growls out. His eyes are pure red, indicating that both Jeon and Jungkook are in charge right now.

"Why would a pure-blood follow me?" Taehyung questions as fear makes his legs shake slightly. He knows that true-bloods are not to be messed with.

Not to mention that Jungkook already knows his wolf won't step back. Putting two pure-blood wolves in front of each other is basically a death wish. When they get in a duel, they fight each other to the death.

"I don't know. But we will find out now or he won't have a head by the end of the day."


I know! I know I'm being mean by making a flashback chapter right when we are meeting the green-eyed boy😭 But I promise I will update soon!

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