Chapter 52

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Jungkook wants to be with Taehyung. He really, really does. In any form of way aside from this one.

Jungkook is still looking with fright into those silver eyes that are filled with nothing but lust. Jungkook can see how Taehyung is slowly walking towards him, looking for one thing only. To have sex, to knot and to have pups. That's literally the reason why omega's go into head, but to say that's way too early for them is an understatement.

And don't get Jungkook wrong, he really does want to sleep with Taehyung. He has dreamed about it since the first day he lied his eyes on the other, so of course he's eager for it to happen as well. But as he said before, not like this.

Why? For three reasons:

One; Taehyung is not in his right state of mind, it's not even certain he wants this when he isn't in heat, considering he is a virgin.
Two; they don't have any form of protection with them right now. Jungkook have thought about getting some condoms many times before, but never had the courage to do so... so if they have sex now, just like this, there will be pups running around their feet in 9 months and that's not a part of Jungkook's life plan just yet.
Three; Jungkook can feel his rut. He can feel it form and starting to pain in his lower region, meaning Jeon probably decided that this was a good time to make a family.

No, it's not. And what's the problem with Jungkook being in rut? Well, as mentioned earlier, pure-bloods feel everything and do everything basically double time of what a normal werewolf does. Therefore, his rut is so dang long and don't even get him started on his stamina. If he gets into bed with Taehyung, he's going to fuck the omega for three days straight.

No lie. He will pound into him without a rest for at least three days and Jungkook knows Taehyung's body is not ready for that. He doesn't know if it ever will be, but Taehyung is a virgin and the chances of him not getting hurt from this are way too low. Jungkook gets a horror scenario in his head where he actually ends up destroying Taehyung's body and cripple him. The worst part is, it's totally possible for him to do that.

Jungkook knows he's dangerous, that's why he's currently backing away from his very horny mate.

"Tae, Taehyung? G-Get control of it!" Jungkook tries before he's pushed against the wall once again, feeling Taehyung run his hands up his chest.

"Alpha," Taehyung whispers in the most lewd voice Jungkook has ever heard and the younger almost losses his balance simply from that. His rut is now heating up his entire body, making it harder for him to concentrate.

"Fuck me."

Oh my fucking god.

"Tae... we can't," Jungkook whispers, but it doesn't sound very convincing. It's probably V who's mostly in control right now, making the situation so much harder.

"Please Alpha... make me yours~"

When Taehyung's slender, long fingers slide into Jungkook's pants, the raven finally jolts awake. Gently, he pushes Taehyung back so the boy tumbles onto the bed and then he makes a run for it. He rushes out of the door and smacks it behind him so it sounds through the entire house. His legs immedietly gives in and he falls to the floor, grunting in pain.

He knows Taehyung won't come out, the boy is probably lying in just as much pain as Jungkook is, his wolf most likely very hurt from that rejection. But that's not what Jungkook is worried about right now, he needs to get help or else Jeon will force him into that room and fuck his mate senseless.

With huge struggles, Jungkook starts dragging himself against the wodden floor, grunting every once in a while from the insane pain he's feeling. After what seems like an eternity, he finally reaches the landline and grabs it with a shaking hand. He calls his father and begs for him to pick up as quickly as possible.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now