Chapter 41

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Double update<3


Taehyung hums to himself as he closes the door behind him and locks it, putting the key in his pocket afterwards. He just had the last set of parents coming to pick up their son, so he's off for today. It's already 9 pm... some parents really work too much to have a child, it's pretty sad to think about to be honest. Taehyung tries not to dwell too much about it as he turns and leaves the kindergarten, walking down the dark sidewalk. 

It's starting to get cold again, the time is going fast and it keeps getting colder and colder every day. Taehyung doesn't mind much, he is a werewolf after all, their bodies are basically made for the cold. He takes some long chill steps as he walks towards the parking lot that isn't far away. He's glad he got a car to drive, it would be way too long to walk all the way back home. He can't even imagine how it must feel to be Jungkook and having to walk everywhere.

Taehyung can't help but smile as the image of Jungkook starts filling up his mind, he skips down the road, not thinking much about anything. 

Suddenly, that weird scent he has caught on to quite a lot of times before fills up his nostrils. He feels a shiver run through his body in confusion and he looks around, trying to find the source of this smell. He sees a shadow of someone that seems to be running in another direction pretty fast. Taehyung frowns and slowly starts following behind whoever this person is. Taehyung has been so curious if he's getting stalked or something, this might be his only chance to find out what this person wants with him.

He remembers the smell from their trip to Busan. And those green eyes... it's like they are imprinted in his head forever. He runs and keeps turning corners, seeing how the silhouette disappears every time a new corner shows. When Taehyung has been hunting the male for about 20 minutes, he has to stop and catch his breath.

Goddamnit, he scolds himself as he lost sight of the other. Whoever that dude is, he is clearly stalking him or something... Taehyung should probably tell someone about it tomorrow. He hasn't been put in any danger yet, but you can never be sure.

Talking about danger, Taehyung looks up and takes a glance around himself. Where exactly... is he right now? He's in some random ally, it seems to be more in the down-town part of the city. It doesn't smell familiar so he's certain he has never been here before. An alert from V in his head makes him flinch as he smells something new, something way more displeasing and terrifying than the mysterious man.

With big eyes, he turns around and sees some alphas walking straight towards him. There are three of them, all pretty big and probably in their late twenties. For a good second, Taehyung is ready to fleet the place but that thought is discarded when he sees two other wolves appear from the other end, also alphas. Fuck.

Taehyung gulps and looks between them, seeing their eyes shine gold, they are laughing slightly and whispering to each other as they keep surrounding the blue-haired omega. Taehyung starts to panic. He knows what this is. He knows it a little too well. 

He keeps walking backwards as he gets caged by the group of wolves. His body shakes and the fear starts clenching in every part of his flesh. He tries to keep his cool as the tears sting in the back of his eyes, his mind working to try and find any type of solution... just to conclude that there is none.

"Well aren't you gorgeous?" one of the male's purrs and gently reaches out for Taehyung's hair, the boy flinches and pushes his hand away immediately shrinks himself even more, pressing against the cold brick wall behind him.

"Now, now... no need to be afraid, little omega," another one says and grabs Taehyung's arm. 

[Trigger warning!⚠]

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now