Chapter 13

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Double update! Comment and vote if you feel like it 💜

Jungkook gulps as he stands behind a tree, right outside the place where Taehyung is apparently working. Jungkook must be displayed as some pervert, standing there looking into the small playground.

He isn't really minding the kids though, he's just staring at the blue-haired male that's currently clearing up a kids mouth.

Seems like the small boy hasn't learned to eat proberbly yet, so his face is totally covered in today's dinner.

Jungkook's eyes almost shines as he observes Taehyung walk around and care for the smaller pups, his omega genes shining right through. Jungkook can't help but feel butterflies in his stomach from the sight.

He really wants to mate Taehyung and be with him. Talk to him. Listen to him. He wants to do everything with him.

Yet, he can't make himself take that harmless step forward and open up towards the other. Why is it so goddamn difficult? Because Jungkook's a coward, that's why.

He sighs and he keeps looking at Taehyung, getting lost in his beautiful, outstanding features. It's like the man is sculptured absolutely perfect, making it even harder for Jungkook to understand why he ended up with a mate like him.

As it is right now though, he doesn't know if that's more of a punishment than a gift.

Jungkook gets so lost in his mate that he doesn't even realizes their eyes meet. They must have been staring at each other for seconds on end.

Jungkook almost squeeks and turns around to hide behind the tree. He keeps his back tightly against it, feeling his heartbeat increase by the mare eye contact.

Holy shit, Taehyung really does have the most beautiful eyes.

Jungkook gulps even harder and clutches onto the tree behind him with his hands. He tries to calm his breathing.

Get it together Jungkook! You just looked at each other, you need to relax!

He really is the most pathetic creature to walk on this planet. With a deep breath and a huge amount of encouraging words in his head, he slowly turns his head and tips it so he can look past the tree.

His breath calms down slightly as he sees Taehyung isn't looking at him anymore. The male is squatted down in front of a small girl.

She has long blonde hair that's put up in a ponytail, it matches well with the pink dress she's wearing. It probably won't be possible to think she's not the cutest child ever.

It doesn't look like much aside from a normal conversation between a caretaker and a child, but Jungkook freezes when Taehyung suddenly points in the direction of where he's standing.

Taehyung looks up and their eyes meet again. Jungkook wants to hold the eye contact, but he looses his cool and hides again. God, he's such a wimp.

Taehyung smiles gently as he watches Jungkook disappear behind the tree again. To be honest, it's kind of adorable how shy the true-blood is. He's the most feared rank out of all werewolves, and he's currently hiding from his mate behind a tree. Cute, don't you think?

"Over there?" Yeji gently asks, her small hands wrapped around a flower Taehyung has just given her.

"Yes, he's too shy to go here himself. But I'm sure he'll really like to be your friend, don't you want to meet him?" Taehyung asks. People must think he's stupid for sending a child over to a true-blood, it's too dangerous.

However, children aren't as evolved as adults obviously and that applies for their abilities too. They can't smell the strength the same way grown-ups can, therefore Yeji can approach Jungkook without much trouble.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now