Bonus #2

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I will be jumping around a lot in time in these bonus chapters because I have so many ideas with all kinds of situations. So don't get scared when I make it far out in the future, I just need parent taekook because it's the best thing ever😭✌️

AND there will be a Q&A by the end of the chapter since that has been requested💜

Hajun is kinda just a mix between taekook, you can imagine him however you like😍

Hajun is kinda just a mix between taekook, you can imagine him however you like😍

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Sorry if there are mistakes! I have a headache, but I still wanted to write 💀

[13 years after the epilogue (Hajun is 16, taekook are around 36)]


Hajun grumbles as he throws his bag to the side and falls down on his bed. He can feel the anger flaring inside of his chest just wanting to break out. It's probably his wolf that just wants to break free. They are both frustrated.

Why? Well, Hajun is getting picked on these days because some guys from his school caught him kissing an older male friend he has. It was in the heat of the moment and he wasn't thinking... his friend was leaning in and he didn't know what to do. So he just went with the flow, unfortunately some of his classmates walked by and saw it.

The worst part is... the guy he kissed is also an alpha.

Pfft, imagine being so gay you can't even get an omega or beta.

Do you think he has taken it up the ass? Eww as an alpha!?

His clothes give him away-

Fucking weirdo.

He knows it will die down at some point, but it still hurts and it makes him mad. People find the smallest things to gossip about and he honestly doesn't have the energy to deal with it. But they have started qhysically annoying him too now and that's where he drags the line.

It's not in an abusive way fortunetly, but in an annoying teasing way. Pinching his sides, putting their legs in front of him when he walks by or throwing stuff at him in class.

Hajun has always been a rather calm person, but he is an alpha and his temper isn't always easy to control. He doesn't want to hurt anyone... he just likes the thought of seeing his bullies in agony-

Ugh, he needs to stop. His wolf needs to chill damn.

"Hajun!" the said boy hears his father yell from the first floor. It's Taehyung, he probably got home after picking up Hajun's younger sister.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now